A smooth recovery...kinda

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I wake up to rain hitting the huge old windows of the large farm house I'd been sleeping in all night. My first thought when I look out of them is. They must be annoying to clean. I get up off the couch and walk down the hall, I hear the shower running and some voices so I'll wait to see how Bailey is doing. I go to the kitchen and notice they've not eaten so i make us all some bacon and eggs with a cup of coffee each. I set the table and Josh walks in carrying Bailey. He smiles. "Oh you made breakfast, Thanks Ollie" The dark patches under his eyes making it very obvious. He hasn't slept at all. I look to Bailey in his arms who's obviously been dressed very well by Josh. He's wearing some comfy clothes and nothing too restrictive, Josh is just in a polo shirt and chinos. He sits down with Bailey on his lap, they eat and I do too. Josh thanks me and we wash up together while Bailey sits, still a little dazed and feeling very groggy at the table.

Soon we head into the living room, the rain had stopped by now. Josh lays on the sofa, placing Bailey firmly on his chest, and it was like the saying as soon as his head hit the sofa, he was out. Bailey quite happily laid on him for a while and I just looked through my phone and occasionally looking up to check on them. Eventually Bailey slipped off of Josh and came to sit next to me.

"Hey Ollie, thanks for that last night." I turn my phone off and face him. "It's no problem, it wasn't too great a job but better than that lion guy could do." He nods and gives me a hug that I wasn't expecting. "Bailey do you think we should go for a walk or something? Josh was up all of last night worrying about you. I think he needs some peace and quiet for a couple hours." Bailey gives me a sad look. "He was? I should have never suggested that club." I put a paw on his arm. "It's not your fault you were abducted, come on let's go." he nods and follows me out to the hall where I help with his shoes and I put mine on. We put on coats and walk out and around to the back of the house where Bailey has a woodland.

We start to walk under the trees, the early September breeze biting at us with a cold edge. "How are you doing" I ask after about half an hour of walking. "I'm okay, only a little cold around the neck but that's it." I nod. "Me too, the cold is coming fast and I feel we might have snow this year." Bailey's tail wags. "Snow?" I giggle "Yes snow." Bailey stops and looks at me. "How can you predict the weather like that sometimes?" I turn around and tap the side of my muzzle. "A wolf always knows." He walks up beside me again and we stroll on for another hour till some ominous clouds start to form in the sky. "Good thing we're nearly home." I look at him. "Really?" He nods. "I lead you on a giant loop, you didn't notice?" I shake my head. "It's not far now."

We walk for about another ten minutes, talking about how things are going with everything and how things are with our boyfriends. Soon we get to the back door that leads to the kitchen.A wave of warmth hits us as we open the door. As soon as we're inside we take our shoes off and leave them by the door.

"Bailey do you want a drink?" I ask and He smiles. "You read my mind" I nod and smile back. "Hot chocolate?" He nods and tilts his head. "Should I ask Josh if he wants anything?" I nod and set the kettle to boil as Bailey heads to the living room, I hear some chatter and Bailey plods out and says that Josh would like a black coffee with two sugars. I turn around as the kettle clicks alerting me that it's boiled and I put some hot chocolate powder in two mugs and ground coffee in one. I fill the cups with boiling water and add two sugars to Josh's coffee and milk accompanied by one teaspoon of sugar to the Hot chocolates. I carry the drinks into the lounge and set them on the table.

I sit down with mine and look up to a groggy un-alert Josh rubbing his eyes as Bailey lays across his lap like a cat. I roll my eyes, grin and take a sip of my hot chocolate. Happily thinking that the homely winter days are coming and that the days of lying in the warmth under blankets will soon be back.


Hey everyone sorry for the wait, my Dad dented my pc and claimed it as his own and my poor mother accidentally stood on my laptop screen. It's not her fault I put it underneath a blanket on the floor... whoops. I'm currently using her laptop that she's kindly lent to me as I get mine fixed...... The building society I bank with are already concerned with my spending lol. Anyway thanks for reading guys 100 reads already!!! I hope you're enjoying it as I always do and i'll see you in the next chapter.

-Ollie :3


leaving this world. The sequel to Soul mates by Ollie 4884 (furry Gay BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now