Love is blinding.

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I pull over and check my phone.

Grant: Ollie I need you please, it's all gone wrong. I'm so scared.

I look at the last message and get filled with dread. I reply quickly and book a flight to california. My fox needs me. My precious fox that I love so.

I put my foot to the floor. My flight leaves in 30 minutes from Bournemouth Airport. A forty five minute drive. I weave in and out of traffic, getting out of the city centre. I press the 2.5 liter engine to the max reaching 182 mph. Lucky no one is out here at this time. And I hope whoever owns this can pay for the speeding tickets.

I reach the airport with three minutes to spare. I abandon the car and run into the terminal, i pass security and board the flight. I settle down for the eight hours of worry but as soon as my head hits the business class seat I fall asleep........

I wake to an empty plane and a stewardess tapping my shoulder. I panic and notice that i've only been asleep for ten minutes after we landed. I thank her, get up and get out of the plane. Get out of the airport after all the stupid questions. I get a cab and tell him the location. It's thankfully not far and I reach the dorms after 20 minutes. Reception lets me in as they knew I was coming and gives me a key. I smile as I walk up the stairs. I'm gonna see my fox again. Finally.

I get to the dorm and put the key in the lock, I turn it and walk into a room with no one in it. I try to remember where Grant's room is and know it's on the left. I head to the door and open it to a orange and white tipped tail with a polar white tail resting on top of it. I listen to the moans ceace. I listen to them turn and I listen to my own heart break.I feel everything in a few seconds and it fades to nothing. I hear Grant stammer to find an excuse. I knew this would happen. I knew it was too good to be true. I realise that I had been blind. I never noticed things. Some things I did notice. I just blocked it out. I didn't think about it. What he was like really. What his type really was.

The wolf uncovers himself and I look at his athletically perfect and built body. I then look down at my perfect fox. Covered in sticky whiteness. Pouring out sticky whiteness. I simply walk over to him and kiss his cheek, not listening to him because I can't hear over my own thoughts. "Grant I can't hear you over myself but I want you to know that I loved you and trusted you. I knew secretly this would happen and I feel nothing now, all my feelings flashed by. I look to the wolf who I suddenly identify as the bully from the changing rooms. I walk over to him with my keys.

"Oh you want a rematch little bitch?" He laughs and pulls a gun from the drawer. "Your fox was always mine, he was never yours." With that he points the gun at me and I stare down the barrel. "W-wait no!" I hear Grant cry out. I look at the wolf in the eye. "Do it pussy, i have nothing to live for now" With no hesitation he pulls the trigger, I feel the bullet bury itself in my chest. I hear Grant cry out and my world goes black. I see nothing but Grant, all the happy moments, all the love I thought he had for me. I feel my body hit the cold, wet floor. Please I'm not ready. Am i really? Leaving this world?


Hey everyone. My relationship may be dead and so might ollie. The sequel might be out in 24 hours. Check my account. I need to keep busy with stuff. Love you all. Who have stayed here with me and I will bring you along to the next edition of my life. I leave you with a poem from world war one.

If I should die, think only this of me:

That there's some corner of a foreign field

That is for ever England. There shall be

In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;

A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,

Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,

A body of England's, breathing English air,

Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

And think, this heart, all evil shed away,

A pulse in the eternal mind, no less

Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;

Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;

And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,

In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

The soldier-1915

I know this makes me sound extremely patriotic which i am not but i thought it fit with the ending, i'll have the Sequel up in 24 hours. Will Ollie be alive? I guess we'll just have to wait and see...



leaving this world. The sequel to Soul mates by Ollie 4884 (furry Gay BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now