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I rub my eyes as rays of sunlight sneak in through my curtains, making a pretty pattern over my room. I sit up and sigh. "What am i gonna do today?'' I ask myself and pull back the covers. I get the idea to go see Bailey as a thanks for sending some of his people to make sure the car meet went well.

I hop out of bed, make it and grab my towel, I walk into the bathroom and sigh. All those happy days with Grant, our showers together and our noisey nights. I miss it all. I turn on the shower and sigh. I could always go straight back to America but I want time away from my family. I wait for the water to steam up and I get in, the water running over my hair and fur.

I do my usual shower routine and dry off. I miss that fox so much. I rub over my shoulder where he marked me and feel the little divots still there from a couple of weeks ago now.

I walk out of the bathroom after brushing my fur and hair along with adding a little dye to my fringe. I change and go to the kitchen. Slapping the tap on and filling the kettle was my first objective. I complete this and put the kettle on to boil as I start making myself some scrambled eggs for breakfast. I cook the eggs and finish making my tea. It's funny, brits don't drink as much tea as you'd think. I finish up breakfast and go to brush my teeth. After this I grab my keys, lock the front door and get in my land rover. I would take the Subaru but diesels need to be run fairly regularly so they don't die.

After a slightly slower drive I arrive at Bailey's but there's something off. There's only one guard at the gate and he just lets me through because he knows my face, he seemed sleepy and a little un-aware. The rest of the place was deserted, no "employees", no gardener. Not even a car on the drive.

I stop outside the front door and grab my pistol from the glovebox. I only brought it just in case and well this situation i will admit, makes me uneasy. I hop out of my car, lock it and walk up to the front door, it's closed, I try the handle and it opens. "Strange" I say to myself and walk in. As before there is no one in sight and so I draw my pistol from my waistband and cock it. I slowly make my way through the house silently and I get to a room next to Bailey's master bedroom, his office. I open the door and walk in silently and see a fur bent over something in the corner. I quickly run my eyes over him and know he's a labrador. I can tell he's tall and strong from here. He's not the usual species Bailey picks for bodyguards and he's not wearing the usual clothes. An intruder.

I come up behind him silently and stick my gun against his head. "You move one fucking muscle your dead, understand?" He goes rigid and nods slowly. "You wanna tell me why you're in my friend's house." He swallows. "I'm Baileys boyfriend." He says in a slightly scared tone. "Oh yeah and i'm the queen." "Give me one good reason not to plant a bullet in your fucking head dog!" I shout and suddenly someone runs into the room.

"Ollie drop it." I turn and see Bailey in his dressing gown and slippers. "Did you know this guy was in your house?" He nods slowly "Let him go." I pull my gun away from the labrador's head. "Who is he?" Bailey looks down. "He was uhh telling the truth mate." I twitch my ears in confusion. "I thought you were straight?" He nods. "Yeah but you and Grant seemed so happy together and i have been alone for quite some time, i wanted to try it and well i found Josh."

Josh was still awkwardly crouching on the floor so i lend him a paw to help him up. He accepts it and stands. He turns to face me "I am gr-" I cut him off. "You better take good care of Bailey and if you break his heart i'll break your fucking legs." I say, looking up at him. "Sure you will" He smiles "As I was saying I'm grateful that you jumped in to protect my boyfriend like that, you are a good friend and any friend of my cutie is a friend of mine."

Bailey blushes and says through his teeth. "Joshua how many times? Don't call me that infront of people!" Josh smiles "You love it really and it's okay it's not like this guy is one of your so called 'employees' he's your best friend." Josh walks up to Bailey and hugs him. "You're even cuter when you're angry" I giggle. "You two seem happy together and I just came to thank you for sending your guys to our car meet Bailey. I'll leave you two be now." I head to the office door but Josh stops me. "Hey you don't have to go yet, I wanna get to know some of my boy's friend's." I hear Bailey make a muffled agitated noise into Josh's fur. I then see a snout pop out under Josh's arm. "All good Ollie and you should probably go, he's just gonna embarrass me all day." I snicker. "Yes i don't want you to suffer anymore then you have to" I giggle "I'll be off now, see you guys later and well arrange a more civilised meeting."

I walk out the door and away from the room. "Time to get you cleaned up mister." I hear Josh say as I slip my shoes on and I soon hear Bailey's protest after. "No don't pick me up don't pick me up don't" I open the front door and close it behind me. They're cute together. I think to myself as I hop back in my car.

leaving this world. The sequel to Soul mates by Ollie 4884 (furry Gay BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now