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We all have special talents And we all have our weaknesses
But that's what defines us.
(Avery Carter above)

IT HAS BEEN A week since my fourteenth birthday. And I'm kinda happy and bummed at the same time.

I'm happy cause I'm finally a teen and in a couple of years, I'm going to be eighteen, and I can finally Start life.

But on the other hand I'm bummed because, I'm getting older and I need to be more responsible, and I'm getting scared of the life ahead of me, what if.... I don't make it life.

I know it's weird that I'm thinking about that stuff, but don't blame me, thinking about my uncle sends shivers down my spine.

He's a 31 year old, he barely has a job, I think he's a hippie. The good thing Is he has a place to stay. And another thing is, he's pretty crazy.

Ashley snapped her fingers in front of my face "hello? Earth to Avery?"

"huh" I mumbled

She sighed "what are you thinking about?

"Uncle Damon" I muttered.

She scrunched her nose "why the hell would you be thinking about your crazy uncle?"

She has met uncle Damon before, and it wasn't the best experience, she barely left with her sanity intact.

I shrugged "he's my uncle, why shouldn't I be thinking about him?"

"because he's a crazy man"

"hey! That's my uncle your talking about" I said defensively.

She raised her hands in mock surrender "fine fine"

I rolled My eyes "where's Ann?"

She shrugged "I don't really know, last I heard she was with Liam"

I raised an eyebrow "seriously? Again? Why doesn't she just get the message"

"well, she keeps trying, maybe he'll like him back?" she said as she placed a finger on her chin in thought.

"he doesn't like her, he likes Pam, for some reason"

She scoffed "you know fully well that he doesn't like Pam, he likes you"

I grimaced at that "we will never happen, not even if I came back in the afterlife"

"but you guys would be so cute together"

I glared at her "stop talking Ashi"

Ashley Spencer is like my best friend, but I really don't want a best friend yet, too much drama, I'm still trying to get over the one that happened to days ago between Ann and I.

I have a lot of friends, for instance there's Pam, Joyce, Annie, Ann, kamy, Ashley, Marcy, Darlene, etc.

I have so many that I just can't count. But my closest friends are Joyce, Marcy, Kamy, Pam, Ann
and Ashley.

"so are we meeting with the girls at the cafeteria?" I asked.

"yeah, I guess"

"cool, we better get to music class"

She groaned as she closed her locker. "is it still Mr Nelson?"

"we just have to survive the forty minutes of his horrible teaching" I said.

" why can't he just break a leg, and we get a substitute?"

"ashi, that's evil"

She rolled her eyes "it's not evil, if you want to save lives"

We entered just in time for our first forty minutes of torture aka music class.


I placed my history textbook into my locker and closed it shut.

"hey Avery" a voice said. A very familiar voice Said.

It's Liam, when is he going to get the note that I do not like him. I never had, and I never will.

I sighed as I turned to give him half of my attention.

"hey Liam" I smiled tightly.

He handed to me a packet of M and M chocolates.

MY favorite.

"something sweet, for someone sweeter"

I opened the packet and threw a picece into my mouth, and immediately I was in chocolate heaven.

I moaned. "thanks Liam, bye"

I walked out of there and stepped into the cafeteria, and I spotted them right away. Well it was obvious, they were nearly the loudest because of kamy.

"hey girls" I smiled as I sat down next to Ashley.

"where did you get the chocolates?" Joyce asked.

I shrugged "liam gave it to me"

Ashley snorted "he's bribing you to like him"

Everyone laughed at that, but Ann had a hateful and jealous look on her face.

"yeah, you'd probably use him to get some more" she muttered.

I sighed, I heard that perfectly clear, sometimes I question our friendship, I even want to get out of it. Same with kamy.

"why would you think that Ann? I told you, I don't like him"

She rolled her eyes "yeah right"

That made me mad, I hated it when someone thinks I'm lying

"maybe if you stopped throwing yourself at him, he may like you back" I said more harshly than I intended it to sound.

"at least I like him. What kind of friend are you, you just want to keep him to yourself" she shot at me.

I stood up and hit my fist on the table in anger "if you don't trust me, maybe we shouldn't be friends"

"woah woah, it's okay girls, remember, gals before pals" marcy said trying to ease down the rising anger in me.

"maybe we are not gals" Ann said

"fine, with me" I stomped out of there, with Ashley behind me.

Ann has been my friend since fifth grade, but as we get older, she's changing.

"hey hey Avery, you gotta Calm down" Ashley grabbed my shoulders as she stopped in front of me, blocking my way.

"what's her darn problem, huh?, I don't like Liam, and I never Will like him, he's a great person, but why can't she just get into her thick skull That I don't like him, heck, I dont like anyone in this school except my friends, why does it-"

"okay! Stop, your talking like marcy" she interrupted my rant

I inhaled and then released a deep breath, to at least calm me down. I smiled "you're a good friend"

She grinned "I know"


"you coming ashi?" I asked her.

"yeah, just a minute" she yelled.

School's over for today, and we're going home, Avery lives right next door to me, but no one lives next to me on the left.

Well an old couple did, and my window was directly opposite their bedroom, I heard a lot of things which I will never unhear.

Avery and I did everything possible to get them out of there, we egged and toilet papered their house, we played loud music from the stereo at 12am (got grounded for That one), and finally, on Sundays, especially when Mrs Amerl put on a lot of make up, I threw balloons filled with paint at her. They couldn't handle it anymore, they eventually got tired of complaining to mom and dad, who secretly supported it. Because they didn't like the old cranky couple either.

Ah, good times. Good, good times.

Diary Of a 14 Year old Where stories live. Discover now