Doesnt Feel Like A Victory

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Avery's pov

I can't believe it....... We won!!! We fucking won?!??!?!

There was an uproar in the crowd and everyone was cheering for the bulldogs.

MY girls threw their pom poms and cheered too!! I was literally jumping up.

"we did it we did it, WE WON!!!!" I yelled.

Suddenly strong arms held my waist and lifted me up into the air. It was Reece.

"we won" he looked happy as he threw me up and caught me again.

Wow. For a 14 Year old he's pretty strong.

I laughed "okay Reece, I know, I'm so proud of you!!!" I said.

I was really happy for him and Ryan too. Speaking of Ryan, where is he?

Reece dropped me down and crushed me into a bear hug which was gross cause he was really sweaty.

He looked into my eyes and cupped my face" we won the game because of you" he said softly.

He leaned closer to me, he was about to kiss me, but my eyes caught Ryan just in time looking at us with hurt. I pushed Reece away from Me to get to Ryan who was already walking away from the crowd.

We entered the hallway and it was completely deserted cause everyone was outside.

"Ryan wait!" I called out to him.

"why should I?" he said coldly as he continued walking away.

Luckily, I stopped in front of him, and he stopped in his tracks.

"can you move? You're blocking my way" he said coldly

"what's up with you Ryan? What's going on?" I Said

"Avery I said, I want to leave and your blocking my way" he said again.

"I'm not moving until you tell me what's with you? You've been acting strange since yesterday" I said.

He rolled his eyes "that's BS" he pushed past me and kept walking away from me, I'm not gonna let this slide, I followed him.

Tears were already in my eyes.

"stop Ryan, please, today we won a game, what's going on with you? Didn't we win?" I said.

He stopped in his tracks as he turned to me, he looked into my eyes and his expression softened a bit as he saw tears roll down my eyes.

"it doesn't feel like a victory to me Avery" he said quietly as he walked away leaving me in tears......


"you still thinking about it?" Ashley asked me, she looked worried for me.

I sighed as I hosed the car we were washing.

"I just don't get it ash, why is he acting like this?" I asked.

"hey, forget about it, forget about him, let's just enjoy our Saturday, and besides it's been a week since that happened" she said as she bent down to scrub the tyres.

"yeah....." I trailed off.

"hey Avery!" a voice said. I turned to see, Ryan's older sister.

"hi" I said.

"is your brother in? We are going on a date" she smiled dreamily.


"you talking about Austin? You mean Austin Carter?" I was asking to be sure.

"yeah, isn't he your brother, he's really dreamy" she said

Wow, I'd never thought the world will give birth to sick people.

Austin came out dressed in a button up shirt and ripped Jean and his hair was extra messy.

Wait, where does he think he's going?

He walked over to her and gave her a peck on her cheek.

"wait, wait, wait, what? You guys are dating?" I asked

"yep" he said with pride.

Wow....i think I'm crazy.

"wait a minute, mom said you should watch over me" I said

He rolled his eyes "you're a teenager, you can take of yourself"


"or you can go over to Ashley's" he said

"can't, I Gotta meet with Ann for some charity stuff" she said.

"then you stay with Ryan, no biggie" he shrugged.

"I'm going to hang out with Reece" I said, I'm not staying with Ryan.

I brought out my phone from my pocket and called Reece.

"hey Reece" I said.

"hey hottie" I'm pretty sure he's smirking right now.

I blushed a little which is super weird.

"are you busy today?" I asked him as I bit my lip waiting for a response.

"is this your way of asking for a date?" he asked me.

"no silly, I'm just asking if you want to hang"

"okay, sounds like a date, we'll meet at the amusement park?"

"sure, bye" I hung up as I turned to Austin

"looks like I Got a date" I said.

Reece was the last person I'd go out with but I'm not gonna stay with Ryan, if it means avoiding him forever.

I had a shower and changed to a blue denim crop top with matching shorts with sneakers as I combed my hair and made it coil at the edge.

--------------------() ----------()---------------

Austin dropped me off in the park and it was buzzing with people today, I wonder where Reece is.

Then someone covered my eyes and pulled me closer to their body.

"uh, who is this?" I asked.

"figure it out" the person tried to imitate a girl's voice but it sounded like frog croaking.

"reece I know it's you, PS, you're horrible at imitating voices" I said.

He dropped his hands and gave me a look "really?"

I took my time to check him out, he was wearing a red and black shirt which made him look really hot with ripped black jeans and black Nike sneakers, his jet black hair was messy to the side which made his defined jaw line stand out more and-

"take a picture it'll last longer cutie" he smirked as he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes "you wish"

He shrugged "come on let's go have fun" he lifted me up to his back.

I laughed "put me down you over-sized monkey."

"that hurts my feelings."he said in mock hurt.

" if I kiss you will it ease the pain? "I asked slyly.

He immediately dropped me down and came nearer to me.
" right here" he pointed to his lip.

But I used my hand and pushed his face away "haven't u heard of cooties?"

He laughed "c'mon let's go have some fun"

Diary Of a 14 Year old Where stories live. Discover now