The Bucket List

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I love you forever and
- to everyone.

ASHLEY AND ANN SQUEALED "oh my god. How did it happen. We need the deets" Ann said.

I smiled "I don't even know how it happened, he just wanted to come with me"

"finally, we've found date, a hot date I might add" Ashley said.

"Reece doesn't know what's coming." Ann said.

"but I won't be able to help you pick an outfit, I'm going over to Pam's" Ashley said.

"don't worry, I'll come over to your house On Saturday and help you out" Ann said.

"really thanks" I said.

"well, I gotta go, I have to be home right away, someone has to babysit Charles" Ashley said as she walked outside.

Ann turned to me, she had an expression of happiness and regret.

"is everything okay Ann?" I asked.

Sure, we've had a lot of fallouts but she's still my girlfriend.

She sighed "I'm really sorry Avery, I shouldn't fight with you over some boy"

I smiled faintly "it's okay, Ann, we're okay, that's all that matters" I gave her a hug, and she returned it.

"so, I'll come by on Saturday around 6 o'clock. The date's by 7 right?"

"yeah" i said.

Her eyes looked behind me and she smiled "bye I gotta go feed the fishes"

Wait what fishes?

"hey Avery" Ryan said from behind me

I turned to face him, and my lips turned up into a smile "hey Ryan"

"I'm going to a Cafe, wanna come?" he asked.

"yes, of course, why not, yeah mhm" I mentally face-palmed myself.

He laughed softly "c'mon"


"so, you're telling me, you'd rather have a bunny than a puppy?" he asked me.

"bunnies are so adorable" I said as I took another bite of my muffin

He smiled "mhm, just like you"

I blushed "so, uh, why'd you move here?"

He shrugged "my mom got a job transfer here, so we had to move"

"so you're from New York? How's it like?" I asked.

"it's okay I guess, it's really awesome at night, the city streets bring out the beauty of New York" he Said.

"wow, it sounds totally dreamy, did you run into any celebs back there?"

He nodded "yeah, I saw Angelina Jolie at the supermarket once, I got a selfie here" he opened his phone and showed me the picture.

I narrowed my eyes at him "why is she wearing sunglasses in a supermarket?"

"duh, because of crazy fans" he

"hm, sounds legit, for now" I said as I took another bite out of my muffin.

"so? How do you know Reece?" he asked me, he looked a little uncomfortable about it.

"he dated my friend Ann, but he tried to kiss me, blah blah, double date, blah blah, blah"

He chuckled "I didn't get anything out of what you said, I just got blah blah blah"

I grinned " I did not say 'blah blah blah'"

"but you literally just said 'blah blah blah'"

"that's weird, then I must be count Dracula," I fixed two straws on my canines teeth to make it look like fangs.

I hissed "I'm going to suck your blood, blah blah blah"

He laughed softly and took a picture "you're cute"

I blushed crimson red.

"hmm, I didn't know vampires blushed" he teased.

"shut up" I mumbles as I removed my 'fangs', i tore out a piece of paper and I brought out a pen, and began writing stuff down.

He raised an eyebrow "whatcha' writing?"

"my bucket list!" I said

"hmm, can I see it?" he asked

"sure, just give me a sec to write the last one" I said as I handed the paper to him.

MY bucket list
-go on my first real date.
-go through a phase.
-host a sleepover.
-jump off a cliff.
-fail a test, then retake it again.
-insult a teacher.
-dress like a lunatic.
-join the cheerleading squad.
-and finally, get my first kiss.

"I've already done all of these things. Jump off a cliff? That's the easiest"

I shook my head "boys never cease to amaze me, so who was your first kiss"

He looked a little flustered "I-I don't like to talk about it"

"oh, it's okay I didnt mean to pry" I said.

He sighed "it was my little sister Luna, we were playing 'save the princess' and she kissed me accidentally that was like a year ago"

I tried to hold back my laughter, imagine if Liam was my first kiss.

I'd burn my lips immediately. Even if it kills me.

"so, you want to be a cheerleader? Eh, you have the body"

"uh thanks, oh, I remember you saying that you're good at football, are you going to join the team?"

His eyes lit up in happiness "yeah, I'm gonna do that, only if you join the cheerleading team"

I smiled "it's a deal, I'll tryout in two weeks time, on Friday"

"nice, I wonder how you'd look in a cheerleading outfit" he said thoughtfully.

"you'd have to wait till then" I said

He rolled his eyes "I'll try, it's getting late, we should head home, do you need a muffin to go?"

"OMG yes!" my voice sounded happy because of the mentioning of food.

"when Ashley told me you were a foodie, she wasn't joking"

Mental note: kill Ashley Spencer.


"where have you been young lady?" mom yelled.

"I'm sorry Mrs Carter, she was with me, we were at a Cafe" Ryan said.

Her face expression calmed down and she looked excited "wait? You two went out together?"

I and Ryan nodded our heads in affirmation.

"okay, Ryan, it's been lovely meeting you, bye now" she pushed him out the door and closed it.

MY mother squealed "you finally got a boyfriend"


"who has a boyfriend?" Austin asked as he came into the living room.

"your sister, she has finally talked to a boy she likes! I'm gonna have grandkids" she said happily.

I sighed, i always knew my family is crazy.

"mom, I don't have a boyfriend, Ryan is just a friend," I said.

"whatever then, NEW SHIP!" and my mother dabbed.

Mrs Emily Carter dabbed. My family really is weird.

Austin whispered into my ear "why's mom acting so crazy?"

I whispered back "she must be on drugs"

Diary Of a 14 Year old Where stories live. Discover now