☆ Chapter 6 ☆

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[Not Edited]

I was shocked when Rin asked me out. He sounded serious, so I decided to give it a try.

Tomorrow came more quickly than I expected. Rin left before I woke up. I suppose it was so he could get ready. I began to get ready as well; I tied my long silver hair up into a high ponytail, wore something I thought was to be cute, and did my make-up. It was the first time I was asked out, so I wanted to look my best. I didn't get why he wanted to hang out today.

As I walked to the door, Haru came out of his room, scratching his head lazily.

"Akira, where are you going dressed up like that?" He asked walking towards me. I put on my shoes and looked back up at Haru, who was already standing in front of me.

"Rin asked to go out with me today." I said nonchalantly as I stared up at Haru. He mumbled something I couldn't hear. I tilted my head to the side as he shook his head, telling me it was nothing.

"Don't go." He looked down at me. Making me feel small. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I turned away and opened the door, sighing.

* * *

I met up with Rin near the clock tower. He smiled and waved when he saw me but then put his hand down awkwardly and frowned.

"Oi. Why is hehere?"

He asked glaring at Haru, who was standing beside me staring off to the side. I sighed.

"He wouldn't leave me be... But its fine, isn't it?" My voice becoming silent as I said the last sentence.

Rin sighed and turned away. "Fine." He mumbled to himself looking annoyed.

I bit my lip and averted my gaze from Rin's back. I searched around for Haru, who was just about to jump into the nearby fountain.

"H-Haru!" I ran over, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him back. Luckily, Rin saw as well and picked up the clothes that Haru has just left lying around.

"Geez... Can't you go one second without water?" I tried catching my breath after that long run, away from the scene. "We take our eyes off of you for one second..." I mumbled, watching Haru put his clothes back on.

* * *

We walked around the town for a while doing some shopping, window shopping, and some sightseeing. Rin walked us to a fancy restaurant,which wasn't really my taste. Unfortunately, Rin had a reservation here for the two of us, so I couldn't really cancel upon his offer.

He made Haru, who luckily brought his wallet, pay for himself. Rin and I had a table close to the window showing the town and people passing by. Haru had a table close to ours. It took a lot of talking to get Haru at our table. Rin disagreed to the proposal, but eventually gave in. Now, Haru sat with us and spoke with us...well... mostly Rin.

Haru wasa bit disappointed that there was no mackerel on the menu at all. I felt bad for him. Salmon was on the menu, so I didn't have the need to feel sad. Haru stood up to go to the restroom, located on the other side of the building. I looked up at Rin, who was done ordering.

"Ne, Rin. Can I ask you something?" He snapped his head towards me and smiled, looking a bit curious. "What?" I twiddled mytumbs around wondering if I shouldask.

"Why didyou ask me out?" My voice getting quieter at the last word. I saw a tint of pink form on his cheeks. He scratched the tip of his jaw, under his ear, and looked off to the side.

"W-Well... Its because I l--"

By that time, Haru came back, dropping down in his chair. Startling Rin and I.

I sighed and looked back at Rin. "You were saying?" I gestured him to continue, wondering what he was about to say. He shook his head.

"Not now..." He mumbled. The waitress came with our food just at the right time. The table was quiet as we ate our food in this awkward atmosphere. I took a glance at Haru and Rin, who sat across from me. They whispered something to each other very silently. I sighed and stood up slowly, saying I need to go to the Ladies room.

As I was making my way to the restroom, I bumped into an old lady. I loss my balance and crashed into a waitress carrying a tray of drinks. I fell on my bottom. The lady giggled, causing me to look up at her. She looked like one of the famous actresses I have seen on a drama once. Although, that drama was cancelled because of herattitude.

She smirked at my viciously and looked down at me.

"Hphm. What's a child doing here?" I looked up at her, confused. I stood up and looked her in the eyes.

"If you think a woman in her 20's is a child, you must be veryold."

I walked by her and to the table. I didn't bother to go to the bathroom. I heard the old lady start to complain as I walked away.

I sat back down at the table, drenched in liquids; my dress ruined. The two looked at me with worry shown in their eyes. I looked off to the side, finishing the food in front of me.

"We should leave now." Haru spoke up. Rin nodded his head and turned to me.

"We will buy you a new dress, let's go."

After paying, both Rin and Haru grabbed my hands and led me out the restaurant.

"Sorry about that... I didn't know such a diva would dine there."

The tips of my mouth tugged up slightly as I squeezed both of their hands.

"Its fine."

"We will go get you a new dress, which store would you want to go to?"

Haru pointed at a mall across from us with his free hand, I looked to where he was pointing at and thought of some of the stores in there.

Signing, I replied "You guys don't have to buy me a new dress... I can just get one at home."

I looked down at our shoes. We were walking foot by foot at the same time.

I could hear Rin and Haru's voice but couldn't really understand what they were saying since I wasn't paying attention.

* * *

Rin and Haru ended up buying me a sweater and jeans instead of a dress. It didn't matter to me; I felt more comfortable this way.

We all walked back to Haru and my place, not really doing much. On our way there, we stopped by a convenience store to buy some ice cream. We all had the same flavor. We stopped by at a park to chat a little, just to pass the time.

"Oi, Haru. Why didyou come?" Rin started the conversation.

Haru stayed silent as he lyed down looking up at the crimson sky. I followed, and soon did Rin.

"Is there a reason why I couldn't?" He took a bite of his ice cream, not looking at Rin. I lay in between the both, listening to their arguments. I felt the tips of my mouth rise like last time. I grabbed Haru and Rin's hand that was closest to me.

"I like it when we are hanging out together like this." I closed my eyes, listening to the peaceful silence between us.

"Let's do this again soon." I mumble, pulling their hands close to my side.

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