Chapter Six

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Naomi stared at the huge house that stood in front of them. It was even bigger than Josiah's house and she was still yet to see some parts.

Andy opened the door and Josiah came out holding out a hand for Naomi.

Her dress hugged her figure nicely and the heels she wore made added five inches to her already five feet three.

"Are you nervous?" Josiah asked her seeing that she was breathing shakily.

"Kind of," she said truthfully and he nodded before joining their hands together.

Josiah knocked on the door and the maid opened it revealing a beautiful interior.

"Wow," Naomi muttered under her breath as she looked around. The whole room seems to be made of the most expensive materials.

"They are in the ballroom sir," the maid said and they nodded.

"Is that Josiah?" he could hear his brother's voice say teasingly.

"Blake" he muttered with a hard tone.

"Who is the beauty that you have taken? I see you took heads up into consideration" Blake said while checking out Naomi.

"Naomi this is my brother Blake, Blake this is Naomi my assistant" Josiah introduced the two.

"Wow, brother you did good. But I had no idea you were into black girls" Blake says kissing the hand that Naomi extended for a handshake.

Naomi quickly snatched her hands back and looked at him with distaste.

"Don't mind my brother" Josiah said before moving along to the ballroom.

"Is he always like that?" Naomi asks as soon as they opened the double doors.

The room was filled with tables and chairs, there were many guests and by the looks of it, it was not only a family event.

The attention immediately made it's way to the two who had just made their entrance.

"Isn't that Josiah Maelburn?"

"Who is he with?"

"He dates black girls now?"

A lot of questions started going through the room before Johnathan made his way towards them.

"My boy," he said trying to hug Josiah but he shrugged him off.

"Johnathan," Josiah said addressing him like a business partner rather than his father.

"I didn't know you were taking the company," he said looking over at Naomi who was watching their encounter.

"There are a lot of things that I was not going to do but I ended up doing," he said with a shrug.

"Naomi this is Johnathan and Johnathan, Naomi," Josiah said.

They were interrupted by a lady making their way towards them. Josiah stared at the face of his stepmother, Phylis.

"Hey Josiah," she said with a smile.

"Phylis," he said without returning the smile.

"And who is this, if I may ask?" she said nodding towards Naomi.

Josiah and Naomi both groaned in frustration because all the introduction was starting to bother them.

"Naomi," Naomi said introducing herself before Josiah could do it.

A waiter walked towards them with a tray filled with wine.

Naomi quickly grabbed one and took a sip almost gagging at the taste.


Josiah watched her reaction with a little laugh which his father did not fail to miss.

"Let's go to the table where everyone is waiting," Johnathan said leading them towards the large table.

They made their way to the table where the family members were sitting and conversating.

A certain female caught the attention of Josiah as soon as they made their way to the seats.


Josiah scoffed lowly under his breath at her bravery. He ignored his brother and younger sister's presence.

Josiah pulled the seat next to him and with a smile, Naomi sat down.

Naomi could feel someone glaring at her through her lashes as she sat at the table feeling out of place.

"Are you going to ignore our presence?" Jillian his sister asked.

Josiah ignored the question and took out his phone starting to type on it.

A minute later Naomi's phone notified her that she received a message.

She looked at her phone and realized Josiah started a game of eight ball between them.

She let out a little laugh then started playing the game hitting the solid ball.

Bianca stared at the two as they both did something on their phones.

James placed a hand on her thigh as if to comfort her but it only seems to make it worse.

A shriek accidentally left Naomi's mouth when the white ball went into the pocket.

A laugh left Josiah's mouth at the face Naomi made after loosing.

They quickly got themselves together and right on time, Johnathan started hitting the glass.

"Welcome everyone"Johnathan's voice rang out in the room as he stood in the middle.

Phylis made her way towards him and the waiter handed her a glass of wine.

"Today is a very important day because it will mark the day that I retire from the business," he said and a series of gasp made their way around the room.

Josiah rolled his eyes, he was not interested in what hos father had going on.

"After watching my children take over the business industry and prepare themselves to become apart of the family business, I am pleased to announce I have chosen the next heir to my company," he said.

James sat up in his seat while Blake was carefree. Jillian looked over her freshly done manicure not caring who would take over. She never wanted to be in the family business, she wanted to be a model.

Everyone in the room became quiet while Naomi and Josiah continued to play another round of games.

"The person who I found fit and most likely to grow the family business is my son, Josiah".

"Yes," James started cheering until she processed the words.

"What?" Josiah asked no longer focused on the game.

"Yeah what?" James asks angrily.

"I knew it" Blake cheered clapping along with other guests.

"Wait, no this is not happening and I am not taking over their business," Josiah said standing up for the first time.

"I don't need your company and I refuse to take over. I am the CEO of my own company that I built"Josiah said getting everyone's attention.

"Why would the bastard child take over our family company? He isn't even suppose to be alive" James said bitterly.

"And that is exactly why you are more qualified. You can even both merge companies and use the family company to add more hotel chains" Johnathan says.

"Honey have you thought this through?" Phylis whispered to her husband.

"Why can't I run the company?" James asked his father walking towards them.

"See this is the reason, you act on impulses, and let's be real you never worked a day in your life".

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