Chapter Forty-Three

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"Happy birthday" Josiah was awakened by someone pouring water on him and then flour.

"What the-?" He started but Tony poured more water in him and he gasps for air.

"Happy birthday brother," Blake said going in for a hug but then he remembered.

"Thanks but was all this necessary?" Josiah asks wiping the floor from his face.

"Oop," Tony said when he saw the drawing in his face. If he thought that was extreme then he couldn't wait to see what he would think.

Josiah rolled off his bed before going straight to the bathroom and looked at himself.

"You have to be kidding me," he said when he saw all the drawings on his face. But what drawing stood out the most.

"Who drew an eggplant on my forehead?" he asks walking into his room to see that Blake and Tony were gone.

"Fools," he said under his breath before stripping and entering the shower.

His phones have been blowing up ever since 12 because people were tagging him in post and he also received messages from his employees.

As much as he did not want to go into work there are some things that he needed to do.

When he got dressed in his suit he made his way downstairs where Caralyn was preparing his special birthday breakfast. This was something she did ever since he was a little kid.

"Happy birthday my boy" Caralyn said pulling Josiah into a tight hug.

"Thanks, mom," he said looking down at her after they pulled away.

She placed the breakfast in front of him.

"Thank you," he said before saying a quick prayer and dug into his food.

He saw a text from Naomi and he quickly opened it.

The first day I met you was the happiest day of my life. Without you, I don't know where I would be. I find myself so thankful to God because he sent you in my life. You have been so wonderful to me and I want you to enjoy your extra special day.  I have the best boyfriend in the world. You read that right I would love to be your girlfriend. Happy Birthday, Josiah>  Naomi.

Josiah's fork fell as he read the message that Naomi sent him.

"What?" Caralyn ask when she saw her son's expression.

"She said yes" he grinned from ear to ear.

"Naomi said yes?" Tony asked poking his head from the pantry.

"Yes she did- what are you doing in there?" Josiah asks and Tony chuckled.

"We were hiding just in case you were on a little rampage," Blake said coming from around the corner.

"Happy Birthday to you" Rosa walked in with the cake and Andy followed behind her.

Everyone circled around him and started singing the song. Josiah blew out his candles and took a small slice of the chocolate cake.

"Thank you," he said while standing up.

"What time are you leaving work?" Caralyn asked her son because they were yet to give him the gifts yet.

"I told you no gifts," he said to his mom but she waved him off.

"It's just a small get together with friends and family" Caralyn replied walking towards the door.

"See you at seven" he shouted watching her enter her car,

He did the same thing and started his drive to work when he decided whether or not to call Naomi.

She is normally at work by the time he got there so he decided to just wait until he got there.

When he pulled up to the building there were paparazzi all around.

"Josiah Maelburn".

"Happy birthday Josiah".

"What's the plan for your birthday?"

"Is it true that the long last twin works here?"

"Do you have any information on Naomi Patterson?"

They continued to throw questions at him until his security intervened and pushed them away.

When he finally entered the building some of his employees saw him and started wishing him happy birthday.

He looked around for Naomi and saw that she was not in the lobby but he spotted Sam.

"Make your way to my office in thirty minutes," he said and she sighed.

Sam knew he was going to find out eventually so she was prepared for what is to come.

Josiah sat in his office and looked at the camera and saw Naomi.

He went into his restroom and when he came back Naomi was leaning against his desk.

"Happy birthday Siah," she said hugging him and he placed his hands around her.

"Thanks, baby" the word slipped from his mouth before he could stop it.

Naomi removed her head from his chest and stared up at him. He placed a kiss on her lips.

Someone cleared their throat and they both look to see Sam standing there gawking at the two.

Naomi pulled away from each other and Naomi walked back to her office not before catching the wink that Josiah threw her.

"Would you like to plead your case?" Josiah asked ignoring the looks that Sam gave him.

"I always wondered how she became your assistant," Sam said trying to get a reaction out of Josiah.

"So you helped my brother to steal files. I wonder what the judge would think of it" he said placing his hand on his head as if he was thinking about something.

"I just wanted you" she started to sob while he just rolled his eyes.

"James wanted the company and he also wanted Naomi. He said he would help me to get you and I could talk to Naomi about him" she said wiping her eyes.

"Go on," he said and she continued.

"Then I saw how close you two were so I poisoned her food," she said but Josiah was not shocked because he figured it out.

"And added viagra to my coffee" he stated and she nodded her head guiltily.

"Why?" he asks although he already knew the answer.

"Maybe if something happened between us you would actually start to like me more then an employee. And if Naomi found out she would not want to date you" she finished and he got up.

"It was nice having you as apart of my team but there is no place in this company for this type of behavior," Josiah said placing his hands in his pocket.

"I figured" Sam shrugs carelessly.

"But if you thought I was the only one behind all of this then you are mistaken. Have you wondered why Bianca has been so quiet since the whole miscarriage story?" she said then left his office.

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