Chapter 1

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"What did you do you stupid shit?" I laughed as I walked up to my friend Jason.
"I may or may not have broken my leg."
I rolled my eyes and lightly kicked one of the wheels on his wheelchair.
Yeah my friends aren't the smartest or most coordinated people on the planet.
The bell rang and I put my backpack in Jasons lap as I wheeled him to class.
I knew something was wrong as soon as I walked into the school. The front entrance and hallway was dark.
"You guys didn't loose power did you?" I asked.
I lived in the next town over so I wouldn't know but Jason lives here so he would.
"Nope." He shrugged.
I was being paranoid again. I always think waaay too far into things and I end up freaking myself out. I really needed to calm down.
"You ok?"
I shook my head to stop myself from thinking any farther into things and smiled.
With that I pushed Jason to our first class.
I parked his ass in the back and grabbed his books from his bags and tossed em on the desk. I sat next to him as usual and pulled out my phone. I put my headphones in and turned on "Shaken Not Stirred" by For All Those Sleeping, as I started doodling in my binder.
I looked up when someone sat in the desk next to me.
It was Caige. I smiled at him and went back to doodling.
He was literally the hottest guy in my school and I had a massive crush on him! We talked a bit but that was pretty much it.
I looked up again when someone slipped into the empty seat next to Caige. It was Rylan. Rylan was sort of new to the school she just started at the beginning of the year and she's gotten pretty close with Caige.
Was I jealous? Yup!
They were always hanging around with eachother and since she showed up we dont talk as much.
They started talking and laughing with eachother so I just went back to drawing.
When the teacher finally came in I didn't pay any attention to what she was saying. I wasn't really in the mood for school today so I just kept listening to my music and sketching out anime characters in my binder.
The bell rang and I packed up mine and Jasons things and wheeled him down to his next class.
By the time I got him there and got his books for him the second bell had rung meaning I was late for class.
The halls were empty and for some reason the lights still weren't back on in the front hall. My hands started shaking as my foot steps echoed off the walls.
It was too quiet I kept hearing the small sounds that you wouldn't normally hear when the halls were filled with kids rushing to make it to their next class.
"What are you doing out of class?"
I screamed and whipped around to glare at Morgan.
"You fucking jack ass! Don't do that!"
"Sorry sis. I had to! But seriously what are you doing out of class?"
"I had to take Jason to his class first. He broke his leg so he's in a wheelchair and it's impossible to get through the halls with that thing on your own so I took him."
He nodded as we walked towards my art class. Second period is Morgans prep so I knew he didn't have a class waiting for him.
"So what's with the lights?"
He just shrugged.
"Principal said they just went out. They're replacing them later tonight when everyone's gone home." he replied proving I was just being paranoid.


Sorry it's short but this isn't meant to be a long ass story so yeah.






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