Chapter 5

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"What's going on?!"
"Who's body was that upstairs?!"
"Who did this?!"
"I'm scared!"
"I wanna go home!"
The whole class was screaming a million different things at once and it was making my head spin.
Morgans best friend TJ (A/N yes TJ Bell from Escape The Fate! What can I say band members pop up in my dreams A LOT!) was filling in for him until he got back.
"If everyone would shut up for like 2 seconds you wouldn't be asking stupid questions!" He yelled in frustration.
No one payed any attention to poor TJ they just kept freaking the fuck out.
"Gimmie a boost."
Caige nodded and lifted me onto his shoulders.
Everyone stopped screaming and sat in their seats.
"Thanks kid." TJ said as he ruffeled my hair.
"Mr. Bell what's happening?" Someone asked and the rest of the class nodded.
I was so glad TJ didn't make me call him Mr. Bell it would be weird after knowing him for so long and always calling him either TJ or Teej.
"Someone has been targeting students. As you've probably already noticed, with yesterdays events and now todays. Weird things are beginning to happen. We thought the kid Mr. Kowal took down yesterday was the cause of everything but we were wrong it turns out he wasn't working alone. His partner is still going strong and if we're right another student will be attacked tonight. In an attempt to protect all of you we are enforcing a Lock In. You will all be staying here for the night. The grade 9's and 10's will gather in the gym and stay there til morning. The Grade 11 students will be in the library upstairs and the grade 12's and 13m's will be in the caf. Your parents have all been notified and they are dropping off everything you'll need at lunch today. After that the doors will be locked and no one will be leaving the building. This is to be taken seriously! This is life or death guys. Police will be surrounding the school at all times so you have no reason to be scared. You're safe here."
Once TJ finished the whole room erupted in chaos once again.
TJ looked at me for help and
I returned his look with one of my own that clearly said 'you're on your own'.


It was 10:30 pm and I was in the library with the rest of my grade. I was curled into Caige's side. I was scared. What if the killer is a student? Then all the police have done is lock us in the school with a psychopath that for some unknown reason wants us dead.
"You're doing it again Hunter. Stop over thinking. You're safe. I promise. I'd never let anything happen to you anyway. You've gotta calm down. My fricken teeth are chattering from how bad you're shaking!"
I hadn't even realized I had started shaking until he said that.
"Sorry Caige. It's just, what if he's a student?"
He sighed and pulled me onto his lap.
"If that were the case then we'd find a way out. I'm not leaving here without you, I've said it a million times now that I will protect you no matter what. You're gonna be ok Hunter."
I just nodded and cuddled into him.
Suddenly there was a loud bang followed by screaming. It came from the cafeterria down stairs where the grade 12 and 13 kids were.
"Jason!" I cried as I burried my face into Caige's chest.
"He's ok Hunter."
"You don't know that!"
He sighed and handed me my phone, the screen was lit up revealing a new text message. It was from Jason.
J: I'm fine! Some guys were goofing off and they knocked a bunch of chairs down. They hit the table and busted a couple lights. Calm down I know you're freaking out. ;)
H: Shut up... Stay safe Jason.
J: I will
I sighed and slipped my phone into my pocket.
I was about to say something to Caige when the sound of glass shattering echoed through the library causing Everyone to scream including me.
"Ok OW!" Caige cried as he covered his ear which I had just screamed right into.
"My Bad!" We heard someone yell from the other side of the room.
"Damn it Kyler! What the hell is wrong with you?!" TJ yelled as he started picking up the glass.
I turned to Caige and just shook my head.
"This is making me crazy!" I whimpered.
Caige grabbed my face in his hands forcing me to look at him.
"You're being paranoid. It's late, try and get some sleep."
My eyes went wide and I shook my head.
"Fuck no!"
He laughed and layed down using a small stack of open books and a couple blankets as a pillow.
"Come here."
I didn't hesitate as I cuddled up to his side with my head on his chest.
"I'm right here just close your eyes. I'm not going anywhere I promise. I've got you you're safe."
I finally gave in and nodded, as I closed my eyes.


I gotta get my ass moving cuz even though I can vividly remember dreams when I wake up the memory only lasts a day before it starts to fade! Lol





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