Chapter 3

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I started crying my eyes out. He was going to shoot my brother.
The first shot rang out and I screamed.
"I'm fine!"
I looked up to see Morgan was right he didn't get hit.
"Caige do something!" I cried as the kid aimed for another shot.
I knew I was panicing to much to be able to think straight but I knew he could still do something.
Caige looked around him and then searched his pockets.
"Mr. Kowal!" He yelled getting Morgans attention.
Caige threw something to him and he caught it. It was a pocket knife, he flipped the blade up and threw it at the kid hitting him in the leg. He dropped the gun. It hit the ground and a shot rang out causing everyone to scream.
Luckily no one got hit.
The kid cried out as he lost his balance and fell. A few of the guys from the football team were there to catch him.
Cops rushed over and cuffed him before his feet could touch the ground before hauling him away.
We all got questioned and thankfully Caige never left my side.
"Ok ok! I get it! Can I at least talk to my little sister first!"
It was Morgan. He had just finished being questioned and needless to say he wasn't in the best of moods.
"Make it quick." one of the officers growled.
Morgan rolled his eyes and came over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me into a hug.
"What's going on?" I asked.
Morgan sighed and pulled back holding me at arms length.
"I screwed up and there weren't enough witnesses to clear my name."
"What do you mean?"
"I've gotta spend a week locked up Hunter."
"No! You didn't do anything wrong!" I cried as I hugged him.
"But I did. I put you and the rest of the class in danger. I should have sent you all to the front of the school with the rest of the students but I wasn't thinking straight. Then I threw a knife at a student."
"It was self defence! And any teacher could have easily taken us away from the field! It's not your fault!"
Tears were running down my face. They couldn't just take Morgan from me like this.
"I know baby girl. Listen it's only a week. I'll be home before you know it."
I didn't know what to say so I just tightened my hold on him and refused to let him go even when the officer came over and said it was time to go.
"No you can't take him!"
Arms wrapped around my waist as The cops pried my arms off my brother. Once they had him the arms left my waist turned me around and pulled me close.
It didn't take long for me to realize it was Caige. I could tell by the feeling of safety that surrounded me.
"Take care of her!" Morgan ordered.
"I was already planning on it."


Morgan! No!
Ok so I know they can't actually jail him for what he did seeing as it was self defence and he didn't really endanger the students but my mind takes on a mind of it's own when I'm asleep and doesn't care about logic and all that shit! Lol





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