Chapter 24: a showdown with Hoshiyomi

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he slowly approaches me, "now, be still. it's time for me to take that jewel out of your belly." He says menacingly.

I gasp and my eyes widened.

There came a flash of purple and white as he slashed at my abdomen.

I yelped at the pain of the cut, as the jewel leaped from the wound and skipped along the boards of the floor.

"No!" I exclaimed.

Hoshiyomi closes his eyes and grins, "Hmm." He chuckles.

he slowly walks toward the jewel half and reaches to pick it up.

It rested in a small crack in the wood.

"The jewel is mine now.." He picks it from the crack, and holds it in the air in front of his face smiling evilly, then turns to me.

"I no longer need you wretch!"

"nor your sympathy or concern.."  He retorts brutally.

I furrow my brows and grit my teeth.

I became anxious about what he was going to do.

"Die!" he lunges at me with his Naginata.

My eyes widen and I inhale with fear.

Suddenly there was a flash of green and a wall of the house was destroyed.

everything was consumed by debris, clouds of dirt, and smoke.

"this smoke, it smells like poison." I think to myself.

my heartbeat intensifies after I catch a glimpse of a silhouette amongst the fog.

"Hoshiyomi.." a deep angry voice utters, followed by a second appearance of the green light remaining idle.

"Sesshomaru!" I mutter in surprise.

the smog begins to clear.

POV Change> Inuyasha and Koga>

they were rapidly running and jumping up a giant rock when Inuyasha caught a large whiff of something in the air.

he comes to an abrupt halt and quickly covers his nose with his sleeve.

"that smell, it's like poison." he blurted out.

Koga stops and peers out into the distance, he shortly covers his nose as well after catching the scent.

"look! there's a fog in the air," he says.

"curse Sesshomaru! he must have beat us to it." Inuyasha clenches his fist.

"let's hurry and get there before the party is over," he adds.

they resumed their race.

POV Change> 

"you?" Hoshiyomi blurts out in displeasure.

Sesshomaru sways his arm and the beam of poison splashes onto Hoshiyomi.

he cries as he shielded himself with his weapon, though it didn't do much good.

suddenly a thought popped into my head, "it could work.."

"I know I'm still not that experienced but I'll try," I say to myself.

I scrunched up my face and put all of my strength into manifesting my poison ability.

"only a little, that's all I need to melt these ropes." I tremble and shake.

I tightly clenched my thumb, index, and middle finger on my right hand together.

a weak purple and black aura started to form around my hand as they dueled.

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now