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tough teamwork

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The surviving trooper's body grew still in my hands as I broke his neck, snapping it in half. His corpse immediately fell onto the ground, motionless -- dead. I dusted off my hands as I stepped over the stormtrooper's body, making my way towards Cal.

The Padawan slowly approached me with BD-1 on his shoulder, quietly observing the placid area. I smirked, gesturing towards the empty place.

"See?" I winked. "I told you not to worry."

BD-1 chirped, causing Cal to roll his eyes and shake his head. He huffed, "Yeah, yeah."

"Come on, ginger," I chuckled, brushing a finger across his chest. "Lighten up a little."

He sighed in response, walking past me and towards a cave-like area. I shrugged my shoulders and went after him. Shortly afterwards, he jumped across a huge gap in the middle of the floor and stood upon a stable platform with a gigantic broken door in front of him.

He turned around and gestured me to copy his actions. I carefully leaped across, barely making it to the platform.

Once I reached his position, he shifted his gaze onto the large broken door in front of us. He took a deep breath in and pushed his hand forward, forcing the cracked door to fall apart and create an opening for us.

Dust flew all over the place as we entered the small room that was behind the doorway. As Cal looked for another way out, I explored the area. I walked around leisurely, observing the place.

Just then, I felt some sort of.. controlling energy tugging me towards a corner of the room. I had almost forgotten to breathe.

I impulsively followed the energy, and it led me to a tiny trinket -- it was hidden amongst the rocks on the floor. Its force only grew stronger as I approached it. My eyes widened, stooping down beside the trinket.

'What is this.. power?'

I slowly hovered my hand over the object on the floor, narrowing my eyes on its delicate engravings.

Suddenly, Cal interrupted my thoughts before I could even touch the trinket. I quickly turned around to look at him, startled.

"The door's locked, but there's another way--" He stopped himself as he stared down at the trinket in front of me. "Where'd you find this?"

I hesitated for a moment and shrugged, "It was already there when I found it."

He glanced at me with furrowed eyebrows before kneeling on the ground. He closed his eyes and wavered his hand over the trinket. Immediately afterwards, his body was gently nudged by some sort of invisible strength. He gazed at the small trinket sadly and sighed.

He stood back up and signaled me to follow him. I stared at him in awe and confusion, hurrying after him. I blinked, "What just happened?"

"That was an echo in the Force -- a Force Echo. It's an ability where you can acquire information associated with an object," He replied, guiding me to a large ice slide next to the hatch. "Not many Jedi have this skill."

I pursed my lips, holding myself back from asking him any more questions. That's when I steadily moved my attention onto the ice slide before us. I raised an eyebrow.

".. We have to go through here?"

"Well, what'd you expect?" He snickered, taking a step forward. I rolled my eyes as he smirked, "Just follow my lead."

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