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crash landing

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"Reading a new ship on scanners!" The pilot announced nervously. "They brought more firepower than we thought. How's our hull looking?"

"Badly damaged," The co-pilot replied, looking down at the scanner. "We're at 70% integrity and falling."

"Keep us steady..!" The pilot cursed, "That should still be enough to stomp out these insurgents."

'Not for long.'

With a blood-stained and throbbing head, I crept up behind the co-pilot while Cal snuck up behind the pilot. Cal took a quick glance at me before signaling BD-1 to distract the two pilots.

BD-1 jumped onto the control panel and chirped, catching the two pilot's attention. They looked at the droid then back at each other in confusion. I grinned slyly, leaning in closer to the side of the co-pilot's head.


Before he could turn around and confront me, I grabbed the back of his head and smashed it into the pilot's. Almost immediately, they went still and collapsed into the back of their chairs. Cal dragged the pilot's body out of the captain's seat, while I pulled the co-pilot out of his. We both sat down and relaxed our shoulders, sighing.

"Can't believe that actually worked." Cal said to himself, turning to look at the control panel in front of him. BD-1 beeped happily, spinning around. Cal huffed, "Okay, uh.."

I faced Cal, "Throttle."

"Right," He cleared his throat, pushing some of the buttons on the panel. "Throttle."

Just then, a transmission of a stormtrooper appeared. He began to speak in an alerted voice, "Report! What's happening over there? You're in violation of Imperial Protocol Z-207. Stand down or we won't hesita--"

"Can you shut that guy up?" Cal asked BD-1, talking over the stormtrooper. BD-1 stomped his foot on top of the transmitter and broke it, causing the transmission of the stormtrooper to disappear. BD-1 turned to Cal and beeped. The Padawan looked at his droid and smiled approvingly before going back to focus on the control panel, "Better."

I winced, the pain in my forehead only getting worse. BD-1 shifted his gaze onto me and beeped despairing, glancing at the gash on my head. The little droid opened his tiny compartment that contained all of his healing stims and leaned forward, offering me one. I paused for a moment, staring at the droid.

"Thanks, buddy." I said and took a stim, inserting it into the right side of my neck. The pain had died down a little, but it still hurt. BD-1's antennas dropped sadly, watching me grimace at the sharp pang in my head.

I looked over at the co-pilot's body and noticed a small medkit laying on the floor next to him. I picked it up and opened the lid. Inside was a couple of sanitizers, healing stims, and rolls of bandages. I hastily grabbed a roll of bandages and wrapped it around my head, covering up the wound on my forehead.

As I was taking care of my small injury, Cal figured out the controls of the AT-AT and grinned to himself. He grabbed hold of the throttle and chuckled amusingly. He looked at me for a second, then turned to face BD-1.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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