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inside the at-at

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".. Whatever, ginger."

Cal grinned and opened his mouth to reply but thankfully, Greez was there to interrupt us and make fun of our plan.

"Ha! Get a load of those two," He laughed, shaking his head. "They think we're back in the Clone Wars!"

"Captain," Cere said, standing up from her com station. She nodded at me respectfully, then turned to look back at Greez. "Get us near those Walkers."

".. Wait, what?"

Before Greez could make a fuss about the plan, the rest of us already started walking towards the Mantis' main hatch. Cere followed us from behind and said, "Listen, those Walkers double as troop transports so once you two get inside.. be careful."

Cal unlocked the hatch and almost immediately, the wind smacked us in the face. The Padawan cursed under his breath, a bit alarmed. I sighed, hiding a small smile behind pursed lips -- I missed this feeling.

I was the first to go outside and take a step onto the ship's slope. But with the wind pushing against my body, it was hard to balance myself on the platform.

I turned to look at Cal and saw that Cere was talking to him. I couldn't hear what she saying, but I assumed it was along the lines of: 'stay alive out there'.

Cal smiled at Cere and exclaimed, "I'll add it to the plan..!"

I turned my attention onto the ocean of water beneath us and took a deep breath in. Cal stumbled down next to me, covering his eyes from the harsh wind. Through Cal's com, Greez spoke:

"Alright, if you're jumpin', you two better do it now!"

"Well, you ready for a swim, BD?" I asked the droid through the howling of the wind. BD-1 beeped excitedly in response. I turned to Cal, "What about you?"

"Only if you are." He chuckled, shifting his gaze onto me. I drew my hair back into a ponytail and sneered.

".. Oh, and Cal?"


I smirked and took a step towards the edge of the ship, "Keep up."

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One of my hands slipped on an unsteady vine, which made my whole heart start to race. Luckily, I was able to grab onto another nearby trailing plant that covered the AT-AT's leg. I tightened my grasp on it as the huge machine walked through the large body of water, shooting at whatever was in the foggy distance. I hauled my other hand up and clutched onto the trailing plant, breathing heavily.

"'Keep up.'" Cal teased me from above, slightly lowering his head to look at me with a grin forming on his lips.

I huffed, rolling my eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

Cal let out an airy laugh and continued his way up the vines. I carefully followed him, making sure my hand didn't slip again. Once Cal had made it to the top, he extended his hand out to me and motioned for me to grab it. I nodded and clasped onto his hand as he gently pulled me up.

We both stood on top of the AT-AT awkwardly, slowly letting go of each other's hands. He cleared his throat softly, quickly inspecting his surroundings to assure that none of the other Walkers or nearby Imperial ships had spotted us.

That's when an Imperial ship had rushed past us, shooting in our direction. Almost immediately, Cal took out his lightsaber and activated it, deflecting the blasts. He said to me loudly, "I've got you covered, just take care of that trooper over there..!"

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