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the nightmare

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Everything felt.. quiet.

The only thing that could be heard were the sounds of soft voices speaking in the distance. But other than that, the room was filled with silence. The pleasant airy noises around me had made my eyes drowsy, which helped me fall into a deep and restless slumber.


The warm breeze blew against my hair as I slowly leaned back, taking in the air's fresh scent. I sighed, laying myself down on the youthful grass beneath me.

But that's when something felt.. wrong.

I hastily sat up to take a look around my surroundings, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood up. Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed how the tiny pendant on my necklace started to glow -- a white light illuminating my face. With one hand, I carefully touched the piece of metal.

Just then, the floor beneath me began to crumble, making me fall into an endless cycle of darkness. I gasped, clutching onto my pendant.

The air was cold and stale; no longer warm and comforting. It felt as if there was a strong force pushing up against my chest, suffocating me. The darkness around me blinded my sight, burying the dangers that hid deep within the shadows.

I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact, but nothing ever came. That's when I realized I was no longer falling in a pitch-black void; instead..

I was laying inside a room.

I quickly got off the bed that I was just on and looked around. This room gave me deja-vu, but I wasn't sure why. I shook my head and left the room in a hurry. My breathing intensified as I staggered into a large corridor.

Why did everything feel so familiar..?

"I recognize this interior," I muttered under my breath, brushing my hand against the walls of the corridor. "I'm on a Star Destroyer, but I--"

All of a sudden, I was shot down from behind. I grimaced, my body growing numb. I coughed up blood as my body fell to the floor; I couldn't move. I began to panic, my eyes wavering all over place.

I shut my eyes tight and re-opened them to find that I was now inside of an empty room, attached to a torture chair. I struggled against the binds on my arms and legs. I winced, the pain in my back getting worse and worse.

That's when a dark figure stepped out of the area's dim lighting. From underneath that long hood of his, I can tell he was smiling at my pain. He approached me with a controller in his hand -- most likely for the torture chair. The grim man held the controller up in the air, staring at me with interest.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?"

I narrowed my eyes in on the figure in front of me and glared, "Kranno."

He chuckled softly, then gradually started laughing as he drew himself closer to me. He dug inside his emissary belt and took out a small accessory. Almost immediately, I looked down and noticed that my necklace was no longer hanging from my neck.. it was now in Kranno's possession.

"W-What are you doing..?" My words came out as a mere whisper. "Give that back!"

"I don't want to," He said under his mask, dangling my necklace from his index finger. He swiftly dropped it on the floor and stepped on it with his foot, crushing the pendant into pieces. "Besides, you don't need this anymore. It's just a piece of fucking garbage."

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 ── ᴄ.ᴋᴇꜱᴛɪꜱWhere stories live. Discover now