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Jihyo POV

I stayed up. Even if she cheated, I was still worried about her. Cause it's a 11:21. Just then a knock was on the door I open it. Not expecting what I saw. It was Sana drunk, also seem to look like she a had a fight. But she was with the girl in that photo well i think.

" I found her in an alleyway passed out and also beaten up. I thought I should bring her back here you know or you lot will get worried ", the girl said.  Why did you get beaten up huh?

" Aren't you that girl in that photo? ", I asked.

" What photo? ", she asked. I showed her the photo. 

" Oh that was when we were in high school. It was just a one off. Nothing ever happened between us. She was more like a sister. I'll get going ", she said and left me with drunk Sana. Tzuyu was right. 

" i'M sOrEY ". 

" Your drunk ", I said. 

" lOVe yOu, So MuCh ". I love you two. I laid her down on the sofa. Her phone fell out and it was on messages. I checked her phone.




Very Happy. If your that mad come meet me


Same alleyway you almost killed me in before?




I'll beat you this time


Remember the last time you were heartbroken. Your just weak. I'll beat you instantly


If I beat you. Leave me alone and my member's 


Deal. I got my payback for last time. But then your little drama show. You kissed that girl. I thought I must ruin your relationship. Since you ruin my life! (:

I was shocked. Who is this guy. I looked back at Sana. 

" Why did you do this? ", I asked. 

" wHeN yOuR bRoKeN yOu dO sTupID sHit ". 

" Stay here ", I said.

" i CaNt Go AnYwhEre AnWay ", she said.  I made her some coffee. I came back and she tired standing up but she fell onto the floor. 

" Jesus Christ Sana ", I said and help her up. 

" wHo ArE you? ", she asked. I was confused. I looked at the table and there was two empty vodka bottle's and one on the floor that is spilling now. Did she drink more? 

" I'm your gi-- Friend I'm your friend ", I said. 

" WhEre ArE wE? ", She asked.

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