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I waited patiently in the bathroom. Frances opened her stall, smiling at me. "You came back. Want some more advice?" she asked. I showed her my middle finger. She laughed. Her eyes traveled down to my legs. "You look cute in jeans, by the way."

"Thanks," I muttered, watching the door like a hawk. I thanked the ceiling once the door open and it reviled Adelaide. I much preferred her to Frances.

Frances quickly closed the stall at the sight of her. Adelaide crossed her arms over her chest, her eyebrow raised. She only glanced at the stall for a moment, before looking at me. "Where's Cindy?"

Cindy walked in just as I was shrugging my shoulders. "I'm here," she said. "Now, what's this plan?"

Adelaide looked towards the stall, before moving towards the back of the bathroom. Cindy and I followed her. She pulled out her phone. "Now, don't ask me where I got these from, but I have his nudes," she said.

I looked over at Cindy, wondering if she just heard what I heard. She widens her eyes at me, before looking at Adelaide. "Who's nudes?"

"Coach Gawson," Adelaide said.

I blinked a few times. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I have Coach Gawson's nudes. Now, I'm thinking we spread these around. That will get him fired." Adelaide nodded her head proudly like she was some kind of genius.

I shook my head, while Cindy said, "What? No. No. NO. That can ruin his life."

"So what?" Adelaide asked.

"We're not going to do that," Cindy said.

They both looked at me. "I'm with Cindy. Gawson is a dick, but that's going too far."

Adelaide rolled her eyes. "You know, I knew Cindy was a goody two-shoes, but you actually surprised me, Marina. I thought you weren't so bad. Turns out you're exactly what people say," she laughed.

I grabbed her collar, dragging her close to me. "You want to say that again?" I asked.

Cindy placed her hand in between us, making me release her perfect collar. "Enough," she said. "This isn't getting us anywhere."

"There's nothing else we can do. Face it, this is the best choice," Adelaide said.

Cindy stood between us. She looked at us both before her eyes fully focused on mine. "I'm sure there's something else," she told me. I nodded my head, showing my support. She turned her head towards Adelaide. "Maybe we can find him another job. Not get him fired but make him quit."

"So he gets a better job? Really?" Adelaide asked. "He doesn't deserve it."

"I agree. Wouldn't that be like dumping the problem on someone else?" I asked.

Cindy sighed. She rubbed her hair, making black strains go every which way. "I don't know then."

"Forget it. I gave you guys a perfect idea. Of course, you didn't have the balls to go through with it," Adelaide said. She walked past us, hitting my shoulder along the way.

"Wait, Adelaide," Cindy called after her. Adelaide looked back at us; her hand wrapped around the handle of the door. "You better not do it."

She waved her hand in the air. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." She left the girl's bathroom.

I looked at Cindy. "Can you believe her?" I asked. I covered my mouth, trying hard not to laugh at what just happened. It seemed too unreal.

"No. Oh my god," Cindy mumbled.

"Where the hell did she get his nudes from?" I looked at the door. "Do you think...?"

"What? Of course not. She probably found them online somehow."

Dancing Around // peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now