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I took a seat at my desk next to MJ, feeling a lot like a filled jelly donut, only instead of jelly, it was guilt. I didn't know if I should feel angry or offended for having Coach think I was so easy to buy. Should I tell on him? What if the principal is in on it? What then? MJ hit my desk, grabbing my attention. "We're on," she said.

"Oh." I stood up from the desk, following her to the front with the few notecards I had on the subject. We did exactly as we practiced and got well-deserved applause as MJ and I walked back to our seats. For the rest of class, I leaned against my hand as I watched other students go over subjects mentioned earlier this year. Only half the things they said actually made it to my mind. The rest of my mind was concerned about Coach and what I was supposed to do next.

I wished someone could tell me what the right thing to do was. I didn't ask for special treatment. I just wanted him fired. I should give up the position, but to my surprise, I was kind of good at it. Better than when I was playing left-field. The goalie was a more important position too. It was like I mattered, not that I didn't matter before, but this time I was critical to the game. Adelaide was right though, wasn't she? I did treat soccer as a hobby, while she treated it as a career. Something she's aiming for. Did that make me horrible? If I kept being the team's goalie, was I taking a place I didn't deserve?

The last group for the day was Peter and Flash. I pulled myself out of my head and paid attention, knowing that it was probably the only time I could shamelessly stare at Peter.

"Flash, come up. Why are you still at your desk?" The teacher asked.

Flash was sitting at his desk, his arms crossed. He looked away from the class, starring at an old bookcase that didn't seem touched in years. Peter spoke instead. "Actually, it's just me."

The teacher looked at Peter, then at Flash, and then at Peter once more. "Oh," she said, "Peter, I really wished you would have talked to me about this beforehand."


The teacher tapped the end of her pen against her lips for a moment. "But if this is what you've decided, very well. You may begin."

People around me looked towards Flash, trying to catch his reaction as Peter started. I leaned against my seat, keeping my eyes upfront at Peter as he spoke from his notecards.

Peter finished just as the bell rung. Everyone hurried to grabbed their stuff as the teacher told Peter he did a good job. He grabbed his stuff and hurried out of the classroom, Flash on his heels. MJ turned to me. "It's about time someone stood up to Flash."

I grabbed my textbook, hugging it against my chest. "Do you think Flash will try something?"

"Probably, but it'll be fine," she said like she knew something so obvious that I didn't, before calmly walking out of the classroom.

With the idea of Flash trying to hurt Peter roaming in my mind, I hurried out of the classroom and down the hall. I passed a few people before I spotted Flash's dark hair. I hurried down to the small crowd that had formed around him. With the lockers behind him, Peter seemed trapped as Flash stood in front of him. "That's wasn't cool," Flash said. "I was willing to work with you, but you never texted me back." He raised his fist. "I'm not stupid. I know what this is about."

I thought that maybe Peter would fight back, but he only closed his eyes and moved his face to the side, ready to take it. He seemed completely capable. I didn't understand. He wasn't scared or begging Flash to leave him alone. He just accepted whatever was coming next. Like it was something unavoidable.

I moved past people and their phones, getting into the man-made circle. I stood in front of Peter, holding out my textbook and feeling the impact Flash's punch had on it. It pushed me back a bit. I accidentally stepped on Peter's foot.

"Ow," he mumbled behind me, "Marina. What are you doing?" He asked me. I wanted to know too. What was I doing? This whole day it seemed my body was controlling me.

I kept my eyes on Flash. He sighed, rubbing his head a bit. "Okay, get out the way. I can't let him get away with this just because he's heartbroken." I stretched my hands out, letting my textbook drop to the floor. He rolled his eyes. "I'm serious, Marina. I don't want to hurt you, so get out of the way."

I ignored his threat. "Leave him alone," I said.

"Marina, it's okay. I'll be fine," Peter said behind me.

"Why do you just take things?" I spoke softly, looking down at the tile floor. "Why don't you ever just say what you feel or do what you want?"

Flashed laughed in front of me. He held his stomach as he shook his hand. "Don't you get it? This is him doing just that. Peter's mad that I kissed you so he sabotaged me in class."

I looked at Peter. "What?"

"Now move out of the way," Flash said. He walked towards me, putting his hand on my shoulder. He tried to pull me out of the way, but then I felt my shoulder grow heavily as Peter placed his hand over Flash's.

"Take your hand off," I heard Peter say.

"Oh, now you want to act tough?" Flash smirked. "Guess what Peter? You're not fooling anyone. We all know that at the end of the day, you're nothing. You are a useless coward-"

I punched Flash in the face. He didn't seem affected, only surprised. I, on the other hand, grabbed my hand, feeling intense pain in my knuckles. I covered them with my other hand, holding them close to my chest as I bend over in pain. "Are you okay?" Peter and Flash asked at the same time. I didn't have a chance to answer as the kids around us hurried off. A teacher approached us. It was our math teacher.

I tried to stand up straight and smile at her as tears of pain started to flow down my face. She looked at the three of us with such annoyance before saying in a monotone voice, "Principal's office."

Dancing Around // peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now