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when you're born you can only see one specific color until of course, you meet your soulmate, then that's when you can see every single color the world has to offer to you. 

everyone thinks it's so great, because hey, you can only see a specific tone of a color that both you and your soulmate can see! so cute, right? dejun thinks it's fucking stupid. 

i mean, don't get him wrong, it's easy to find your soulmate but the thing is out of all the colours in the world he could've gotten, he got yellow, like piss. he got piss yellow as the only color he could see. what the fuck. 

dejun looked at his locker, looking through his books he threw haphazardly in there previously, he combed a hand through his hair, "shit." 

he knew his teacher, kun, was staring at him from the classroom entrance so there was no way he could possibly leave. even though kun was dejuns english teacher and his emotional support father as he'd call him, kun still always held him responsible for everything. 

dejun slammed the locker door shut, what was he even supposed to do? look kun in the eyes and say "my bad! sorry i forgot the book we're doing an entire unit on!" 

"hey," someone said next to him and dejun quickly looked up. the boy had dark long hair that fell beneath his cheekbones. 

"i like your sweater," the boy says, with a soft smile on his lips. dejun looks down at his sweater, god he hated it. it was fucking piss yellow. 

"you like my sweater?" dejun says confused, it was the ugliest sweater he owned, he didn't even know why he bought it. dejun pauses, looking at the boy who was now in full color, across from him who had the the stupidest grin on his face, the boy chuckles awkwardly.



kun, who still stood across the hallway, watching this interaction, looked over to ten, his husband who was standing outside his classroom next to each other. 

"i think dejun just found his soulmate," kun says happily. he knew dejun was sometimes hard to deal with but he's glad he found his soulmate who looked like he'd treat him right.

ten furrows his eyebrows, as he watches guanheng grin while dejun looks annoyed if anything else. "he looks upset," ten comments.

"really?" kun asks.

"uh, yeah," ten says and they go back to watching the two in interest, curious as to what'll happen next as if it was some kind of reality tv show. 

"we're not being soulmates, " dejun says sternly as he steps closer to the boy and guanheng is almost offended. 

people are starting to look and surround the two whilst recording. kun at this point knows he should tell people to carry on and continue on with their business but he's interested in what's happening, too. 

"why?" guanheng asks and dejun rolls his eyes before saying, 

"because you're fucking ugly!" 

kun groans, covering his face in embarrassment, why did he brag about dejun multiple times calling him sweet and nice, when he goes and does this in public. 

guanheng grins, "says you." 

this time, it's ten that groans next to kun in embarrassment. why, why did ten influence him like this, jesus christ. 

"i'm ugly?" dejun asks, getting closer to the boy. guanheng nods, looking down at the other, "yeah? what about it?" 

dejun sighs, backing up, tightening his fingers into a fist. dejun turns away and kun expects it to be over until dejun quickly turns back to face guanheng and punches him in the face. kun freezes, staring at ten in shock trying to process what had just happened. kuns brain takes a time to reload before he and his husband, ten, are pulling both the boys away from each other whilst they yell profanities and insults at each other. 


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