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once kun got home, he was quickly greeted by two children- his children, renjun who was four and chenle who was two. kun set his bag down on the floor as he picked up both renjun and chenle. kun knows it was probably bad for him to carry both of them at the same time when he would probably drop both of them if he wasn't paying attention but he didn't want any of them to feel excluded if he only carried one of them. 

"how was your day?" he asked both of them even though he knew renjun would always answer first just because he had a bigger vocabulary than the other. 

"oh!" renjun said, "today in class we um, learned how to spell colors and i was watching voltron with like, all the colors an' an' an'," renjun kept repeating. alright, he takes back what he said about the big vocabulary but maybe he can still redeem it. 

"and?" kun asked, wanting to know more. 

renjun stared at kun blankly, "yeah." 



"alright," kun said, setting them back down to the ground, "go play. " 

kun soon found his husband in their room, typing away at his laptop on their bed. kun presses a soft kiss on tens scalp and sits down on their bed, resting his head on the other man's shoulder. 

"hey." tens says, acknowledging his presence but never looking up from his laptop. kun softly smiles, looking up at ten, who has his glasses perched on the edge of his nose bridge. kun never feels anything except love around the other man, and not because he was his soulmate; even if he weren't, kun would know because he felt like he knew him already, like his childhood home, he already knew you before he knew him. 

"so how was your meeting thing with dejun?" ten asks, looking at kun. 

kun shrugs, averting his eyes to space in between their hands, waiting to be closed. 

"it was okay, i just-" kun sits up from the bed, facing ten, "they're so difficult, i mean, they like hate hate each other. every time they see each other, they just make fun of each other and cuss, like a lot."

ten sighs, "some people show their love differently. eventually, they'll probably be able to show it like, healthily. i mean, they're teenagers, kun. give them time. plus, you remember when we first saw each other?"

 kun sighs, he does. when kun first saw ten, it was in an extremely crowded hallway in highschool, which was probably one of the worst situations you could ever find your soulmate in.  instead of attempting to find who his soulmate was, he turned around and avoided crowds for as long as humanly possible. he didn't feel bad about it, he just felt that he wasn't ready to face his soulmate. that is until ten had written something on twitter about it and it went viral so kun had finally decided to come clean. it took a long time for ten to trust him especially as he could've been lying about his colour but it worked out in the end. 

ten sighs, "give them time."

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