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Jennifer's POV:

After an entire day of photoshoot because a lot of magazine companies asked me to photoshoot for them in the same day, so I've had a pretty busy day. I get home and plop on my chouchou before wondering what should I eat tonight.

As I wonder that I get up and walk to the kitchen to check what I have in the fridge to cook. As I open the fridge I get a text from RM so I close the fridge and read the text that says Jimin is sick, come to the house.

I put my phone back in my pocket and put on the island what I don't need to bring with me before walking out of the door. I exit the apartment building and get in my car before driving to the BTS house. I get there and knock on the door before Jin answers the door.

He sees me and hugs me before I smile and hug back. He lets me in and I ask as I see the others in the living room "So, I heard Jimin's sick" They nod and Namjoon says as he grabs his cup of coffee "You should go up there, see how he's doing."

I nod and walk up the stairs and seing Jimin's bedroom door at the other side of the hallway. I take a deep breath as I approach the door and gather up my courage before gently knocking on the door.

I hear noises in the room so I let myself in as I call Jimin's name. I hear a sound coming from his bathroom a see a lot of used tissue papers on the floor, scattered around the room. I don't see Jimin in the bedroom so he must be in the bathroom.

I approach the bathroom and stand in front of the doorframe before seing Jimin on his knees, throwing up in the toilet. My expression softens as I see how bad he is feeling and I kneel next to him before rubbing his back.

He leans back up from the toilet seat and he sees me before his eyes widen and he asks me "What are you doing here?" I answer as look at how his face has changed because of the cold he caught "Namjoon texted me that you're sick and I wanted to help you get better."

He rolls his eyes and asks sarcastically "NOW you're coming to see me?" I get back up and say as I look down at him "Fine I'll leave" And as I'm about to walk out of the bathroom he says "No, don't go~! I need you" I turn back to him and he flushes the toilet before wiping his mouth and getting up.

He looks at me and I sigh before he grabs my hand and I lead him to his bed. He gets under the covers and I say as I walk to the door "I'll go get you a bowl of soup" He nods and I leave the bedroom before going down the stairs and the boys ask me as I go in the kitchen "So? How is he?"

I answer as I search for a carton of soup "Not good, he filled the toilet with his last meals and he's now laying in bed. I'm gonna make him soup" and they nod before I hear V say to the others "I wish I was sick, that way Jennifer would take care of me."

I smile and find a carton of Mieok Guk before opening it and pouring the soup into a bowl. I let it heat up in the microwave and turn to the counter to see V watching me. He doesn't stop so I ask him as I snap him out of it "Why are you staring at me?"

He shrugs as he keeps childishly smiling and I roll my eyes before the microwave beebs. I take out the bowl and grab a spoon from the drawer before telling V as I walk past him "If you want me to take care of you, just catch a cold. Although that's a bad idea because you don't know how bad it can get."

I get back to Jimin's room and knock on the door before hearing an excited "Come in!" from Jimin. I giggle and come in before seing Jimin still in his bed, watching a Kdrama on Netflix. I come up to him and give him the bowl of soup before he gratefully thanks me.

I smile and ask him "Is there anything I could do for you?" before he thinks for a moment and answers "You could stay here until I get better.." I turn to him and see him putting as he looks down at his soup. I smile and accept before he smiles widely as he looks at me.

He starts taking sips of his soup and I watch the drama with him while sitting on the sofa next to the door to the bathroom. After a few minutes I suddenly hear Jimin grunting, making my head turn to him. I see him curl up in a ball and hold his stomach while groaning in pain.

I get up and rush to him before asking him "What's wrong?" He answers the best way possible "My stomach hurts, but it's probably nothing" but he suddenly starts grunting again and holding his stomach harder.

Seing him like this is torturous, screw it. I get in bed with him and hold him in my arms as I lay his head on my collarbone. I stroke his hair and rub his back as I say "It's gonna be okay, don't worry. I'm here for you."

He weakly hugs back by placing his hands on my stomach and waist, he asks me as he fells the stomach pain less and less "Why are you touching me? You'll get my disease" I answer as I start running my fingers in his hair "I don't care, your health is my priority."

He smirks and wraps his arms around my waist before laying his head against my stomach, making my face turn red. I look down at him and see that the blanket is only covering his legs and stomach so I pull the covers onto his entire body to also cover his back.

I turn my head to the nightstand next to me and see the bowl of soup that is only a few spoons emptied. I ask Jimin as I see that there is a lot left "Are you not hungry? You didn't finish your bowl of soup" and he shrugs before responding "I don't want to throw it all up so I wanna take it bit by bit."

I nod and he calls my name before I ask what's the matter and he mumbles "Could you sing for me? You have a nice voice" I accept and start singing in a sweet voice Lights.

BTS manager (sequence to My Old Friend) [BTS fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now