twenty eight

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twenty eight

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twenty eight

warnings: mentions of death and kidnapping, angst.


I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times, trying to adjust to the new darkness around me. When my vision finally cleared I was met with the sight of a dusty white-tiled roof. I furrowed my brows in confusion. A rusty bathroom wasn't exactly what I expected Stiles' mind to be like.

I tried sitting up, but found, to my agitation, that I couldn't. I was lying on a very uncomfortable steel bed with what seemed like the thinnest mattress in human history, tied down with letter straps. A quick look to my left told me that Scott was in the very same position, and suddenly it all made sense. We were in Eichen House. Well, not the actual building, just a copy of it inside of Stiles' mind. The knowledge that Stiles had been locked in here for two days made me sick to my stomach.

An annoyed huff escaped my mouth before I gathered all of the strength I had and broke free of my confines and stepped out of the bed.

"How- how did you do that?" Scott stuttered out.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Super strength? We both have it, remember?"

"But we're in Stiles' head."

"So? You're really gonna let him control you like that? You're a true alpha for christ's sake, just break free."

My words seemed to have shaken some sense into Scott and he managed to break free as well. "What now?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said, looking around the room. "This is my first time in someone else's head."

Scott didn't seem too amused by my sarcasm. He just walked towards the door, holding his hand out and mumbled, "Just stay behind me."

I did as he said, following behind him as he opened the squeaking metal door to the creepy corridor on the other side. Scott seeped out, and just as I was about to follow him, the door slammed in my face.

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