Chapter VIII

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This time,Scott was really indisposed so we have to come to his place.
"C'mon,Scott,get a life. It's not the end of the world." Rocky said.
Last Sunday before I went to Korea,he did his proposal.
My phone beeped and I checked who sent me a message.
Please come tomorrow 1:00 for a two hour seminar.

It is from Suri. I smiled and sent a reply.
I'll arrange my schedule. I may not be available.

It's third times already. I won't give Hero to you.

No! Okay. I'll try my best. But we have a meeting.


Do you know about Scott?

I don't know,everyone didn't care to tell me.

Do you want to know?

I thought she would send a reply but nothing came.
"I thought she is the one." Scott was leaning on the headrest of his sofa in the living room. He had a glass on his tight hand. I stood up and got the bottle of gin on the table.
"Stop it. I don't want to see you like this."
"My heart is ripping apart."
"Feelings changed." I told him. I got a glass and put liquid in it.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
"Are you expecting anyone?"I told them. They looked at me. I opened the door. I was surprised when I saw Suri's friend Dr. Yun.
" oh,nice to see you here." I said as I opened the door wide for her to get inside. She brought something.
"I brought pizza. It's my rest day today so I decided to come here since Scott wanted company."
She said.
"Oh,thank you,Lee. " Scott said.
"Are you okay Scott?" She asked. I sat down on the sofa with Rocky.
My phone beeped and I hurriedly checked if it is from Suri.  Fortunately it is from her.
Care to tell me?

I am typing my message while I'm listening to their conversation.
"She said she would come back and we pursue our dreams to get married." Scott is crying while he's telling it to Lee.
"When was that?"
"It was two years ago. Then last month she sent me a message that she will come back to the Philippines. I'm excited to propose to her. I planned everything."
"She's crazy."
"Yeah!" Rocky agreed. He drank the remaining liquid in his glass.
"Where is she now?"
"She's getting married to a foreigner."
"Yeah. I may not be enough for her. I have money. I'm kind. I'm not boring to be with. What is it that she's looking for?"
"Scott, it is not about the qualities but it is her heart to change. You can't stop it the moment it beats to someone else."
"I'm sick of it. I always encourage these two men here to be positive in their personal life that there would be someone who would love them unconditionally."
" and this time you will do it in yourself."
" I'm not sure."
"Scott,we have board meeting. " I said to him. Everyone is looking at me.
"Hey,Harry, your friend is in melancholy situation but still you are thinking about your business." Lee said.
"Well,that's who I am."
I don't know what to say to Suri. The story is too long.
I'm going to tell it the moment we'll see each other.

Lazy!did Lee come to Scott's place. She told me she would visit him.

Yeah she did. She's here now. I'll  send you a picture.

I took a picture of them.
"What are you doing?" Scott said.
"Someone would like to see you."
"Who?"Rocky said.
" her friend." I looked at Lee. She was surprised when she can guess who I am referring to.
"Seriously? When is my friend has the time to send a reply or message? She never sent me one before. She always called me."
Everyone is looking at me with green ideas.
"Are you interested of her?" She asked. I smiled.
"Unless it's business,I am."
"What?Okay,you are on the same boat."
"What do you mean?" Scott said.
"Suri is not the typical girl to easily enter any relationship. She is scared about that."
Though my attention is on the phone in my hand,my ears were on their conversation.
"What?" Rocky exclaimed.
"Yeah,she doesn't have boyfriend from the very start. Every time someone would approach her and saw some motives of hitting her,she immediately hinder him to do so."
"Wow. How old is she?"
"She's 31 now."
"Yeah. But her parents are having a healthy relationship. No one in her family is broken. Very rare case right?"
"Wow. I can't believe it."
"She's strict and kind. Everyone likes to be with her though a little stressful since she doesn't like to have mistake. A little perfectionist. That's the right word. We're classmate during college days. She is our leader and everyone followed her. Decisions are from her. "
"Yeah,I can sense that."Scott said. As if they are enjoying the topic.

Everyone is talking about you. Lee said you're strict.

What? Do you want to be sued?

I don't join them.

Whatever. You are still part of them.

Where's Hero and Macky?

They are here beside me. Hero is awake and Macky played with him.

Suri,why don't you get married too?

Why are you asking me that one?

Nothing. I'm just curious. Were friends right?



Yeah starting today. It's about my personal life. I have the right to remain silent.

Tsk. Fine. Its not important by the way.


My heart jumped when she replied Okay. I feel I don't like to get this message. I feel it is the end of the conversation.
I put my phone beside me.
" It's getting late. I'm going." Lee said. She stood up and got her phone.
"Thanks for coming. I hope someday we would have a get together with Suri." Scott said.
"Well,if everyone is not busy,then we can do that."
"Thanks,Lee. You are our sister now."
"Sure. Big sister."
"Thanks,Sister Lee." Rocky smiled at her.
She left and we remained quiet.
"What now?"Rocky asked.
" Do you have a thing for Suri?" Scott asked me suddenly.
"No,just friendship."
"Really? But I think you can be a good pair."
"Let's not talk about that."
"How about the Fabrella's Constructions. I think they are eager to get the project."Rocky said. He is our Head Engineer in my company. He thinks of good design then I'm going to approved it.
" That place in Boac is a good position for our design. I hope the board will choose us."
Three construction company had been in secret war since the beginning of the  presentations. Golden Life Construction Firm which is our company we built three years ago,Fabrella construction which my uncle is now managing it for the meantime since I still have a year to obtain it and Reyes Construction from another island.
The land is for commercial building. So we designed it according to the public's demand and interest. Rocky has a tough times to think what is good and I usually disagree of his ideas. I'm sad for him but I'm just doing my job to be a managing director. Scott is tasked to do the finance jobs.
"Well,I'm going to live my life just like before she came into my life.  Let's get rich and get a lot of women." He said and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Rocky asked him.
"I'm going to take a nap."
"Okay. I'm going home too." I said.
"Thanks buddies. I appreciate all your efforts of comforting me."
"Well,we are the same."
We EFT from his place.

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