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Newt and Minho are now in fifth grade. They ended up having the same classes. Newt loves Minho's company - he's good at small talks and knows how to keep a conversation going. Newt met more friends with the help of Minho, but even though they gained more friends, Minho still remained as his best friend.

"Newtie!" Minho shouted while he ran down the wide school hallway, catching everybody's attention.

"Don't run, Idiot. You might trip." Newt closed his locker and faced Minho, "Sorry, I just need to tell you something important."

"And that's...?" Newt raised one eyebrow out of curiosity. "I'm moving to the house across from yours!" Minho said excitedly, giving Newt his cute signature smile. Newt gleamed up with joy, "Holy shit, really?"

"We can finally have sleepovers like Teresa and Brenda!" Minho squeaked.

Newt giggled at the thought of Minho sleeping and snoring in the most absurd sleeping postion. "I'll ask my mum tonight Min."

"Don't forget to bring-" Minho was cut off as the bell rang signaling the start of class.

"Let's got to class, Newtie. Don't want to be late, do we?" "I told you not to call me that in public, Min." They walked to class together shoulders constantly brushing against each other's.

Newt and Minho pushed themselves past the swarm of students, Newt trips when he finally gets out and Minho falls on top of him. "Min, you're kind of squishing me" "Oops sorry" Minho gets up and helps Newt get on his feet. They run out of the school and gets on Minho's silly double bike his dad got him which Newt described as farcical.

Minho stops the bike infront of Newt's house and chuckling as he watches Newt running in his house when his Mom opens the door and waves.

Newt opens the door to Minho's house excited for their first official sleepover. Minho's weird older brother, Lucien, opens the door for him. He lets himself in feeling Lucien's eyes following his every movement. Minho runs downstairs and throws himself at Newt, he's been more touchy feely recently but he's not the one to talk as he gets clingy to Minho.

Minho grabs Newt's hand and bag and leads him upstairs. Newt notices the pictures on the wall and smiles at each of Minho's baby pictures reminding himself to tease Minho about it.

Minho's room is bigger than his, he has a bunk bed even though he sleeps alone. Minho says the bunk bed is for when he and Newt have more sleepovers in the future. Newt blushes at the thought.

"You can take the top bunk,Newtie" Minho smiles at him

"thanks Min" newt says as he places his bag on the top bunk

They spend their night watching Titanic (Minho says it's the bomb) and eating a lot of food.

"Let's watch Insidious 2" Newt's eyes widen and Minho chuckles at his reaction

"No anything but that movie"

"c'mon Newtie. It's just a movie. I'll buy you blueberry pop tarts"  "Fine, but if I scream it's your fault"

Newt screams at every scary part of the movie and constantly snuggles into Minho's chest. Somehow he ends up sitting on Minho's lap. Minho looks at Newt who is now crying like a little baby.

"I didn't like that movie at all Min" still sitting on his lap

"Do you want a big hug?" Newt nods and gives his best friend a big bear hug. "Let's go to sleep Newtie" Minho tries to get Newt off his lap but he whines and says he's too lazy to move, so they just lay down on Minho's couch with Newt snuggled up to his chest.

Minho woke up with a weight on his chest and thighs he opens his eyes seeing Newt still on his lap,sleeping. Minho slightly shook Newt awake "Newtie, wake up...Newtie" Newt flutters his eyes open yawning and stretching like a kitten. "oh hey Min, good morning" "Our breath stinks" Newt giggles at Minho "Let's go brush our teeth then silly"

Lucien, Minho's brother, knocked on the bedroom door "Mom says that i could drop you both off at the arcade. SHe already asked Newt's mom if he can go" Minho nods and says that they'll be ready in 10 minutes.


Lucien gives Minho some money and winks at Newt then drives off. Newt looked at Minho who was also creeped out. They shrug it off and run to the entrance of the arcade.

For fifth graders, Minho and Newt looked like a couple to the other people in the arcade. They played every game together laughing and pulling each other by the hand to play the next game. Thomas and Gally was also in the arcade the same day. The four had fun until Lucien arrived to pick the two boys up. The drive home was akward and silent until Lucien played some screamo, the Newt and Minho covered their ears looking at each other making uncomfortable facial expressions.

Newt went to Minho's room to get his stuff and said thank you to Minho and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Minho blushed and Newt giggled at his reaction. Newt's mom picked him up from Minho's house.

As he fell asleep that night he dreamt of Minho, on the other hand Minho dreamt of Newt and kept thinking about his feelings for .

8th grade

Minho was now in 8th grade

He decided that boobs don't really interest him

And boys were far more better looking than girls

So he decided that he would tell his best friend.He was scared of losing their friendship of 8 years. He was happy being best friends with Newt and he didn't want to lose that amazing friendship they have.

For the whole day, Minho kept zoning out leaving Newt worried about him.

"Min, you okay?" Newt squeezed Minho's arm to get his attention

"huh? Oh yeah I'm fine just have a lot of things running in my mind" one of those is his feelings toward Newt. Ever since  Minho moved across the street, he was gaining unsusal feeling for his best friend and he didn't want Newt to know.

"You can always tell me things,Min. You should know that by now" Newt smiled at his best friend and Minho returned the smile.

"I'll tell you when we bike home, I promise" that's the thing about Minho, he never breaks his promise.Ever.


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