Princess needs saving

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A/N: HEY! hope you like thischapter. If you have ideas for my next fanfic, comment down below or inbox me. Don't forget to vote! xX G.R


  M: Newtie wakey wakey we're hanging out with the gang today remember?


M: Don't make me wake you up again

M: Alright you asked for it

      Minho crossed the street to Newt's house, the boy was a deep sleeper. It's Saturday today and Alby suggested that they go watch a movie until his afternoon shift at the Glade Coffee Shop. Minho walked up to the door and walked straight in greeting Rebecca, Newt's mom, along the way to Newt's room. He slowly opened the door to see Newt cuddled up with loads of pillows surrounding him. He slowly tiptoed over to Newt's bed, smiling as he saw Newt wearing his t-shirt that he "left". He purposely leaves some of his shirts whenever they have sleepovers since Newt loved wearing them because it was a size bigger than him. He poked Newt's cheek a couple of times until he saw those beautiful brown orbs flutter open.

"Good morning Newtie baby!!! We have a big day ahead of us so go get ready!" Minho cheerfully stated. 

      Newt groggily asked Minho to carry him to the washroom since he was to lazy. 

"I don't get why you're so light Newtie." Minho carried him to the washroom and sat him down beside the sink. Minho sat down on the toilet (with the cover on of course) chuckling as Newt just stared at the wall, his daily morning routine. 

      Newt secretly liked the idea of Minho waking him up every morning. Minho is always happy in the morning while he was the grumpy type. Newt was glad that Minho accepted his morning grumpiness, he couldn't live without him.

"Newt we gotta hurry or Alby will get pissed off" Minho stood up and walked out of the washroom. Newt jumped off the counter and started washing his face and brushing his teeth. When he walked out of the washroom ,he saw Minho in his walk-in closet preparing his clothes for him. Newt smiled at Minho's sweet and caring attitude. Newt walked closer to Minho and hugged him from behind. He didn't care if he acts gay as long as he gets to keep his best friend. 

       Minho suddenly turned around and carried Newt in one arm and the other holding his clothes, Minho was always doing the manly stuff so it doesn't surprise Newt when he shows off his strength. Minho places Newt on the bed and tells him to stand up.Newt is so confused but stands on the bed.Minho grabs a chair and stands on it.Newt raising his eyebrows at Minho as if to ask what the hell was he doing. 

Minho clears his throat and turning his back to Newt "Princess Newtie is in trouble! He needs his knight in shining armor to help save the princess!" Newt shook his head at the idiot he calls his best friend, Minho jumped off the chair and galloped around his room like he was riding a horse, "Princess Newtie! I am Minho, you're knight in shining armor! I am here to save you" Newt giggled and played along, with his thick accent he replied "I am glad that you are here to save me Knight Minho, but may I please have my clothes now" Minho bowed down and handed over Newt's clothes "Princess Newtie, you are still stuck in the tower! Shall I help you get down" Newt nodded at Minho hugging his clothes to his chest. In a swift movement, Minho carried Newt and galloped around the room laughing as Minho swayed and danced gracefully around the room.

"Boys what are you doing?" Minho turned around seeing Newt's mother at the door "Minho darling why are you carrying my son like a bride?" Newt blushed 

"We were playing Princess in the tower" Minho confidently stated still carrying Newt. 

"Mhm..Well I'm going to work now. Alby called he said that he's waiting for you two at the movie theater for almost about an hour" 

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