It's Okay

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~Newt's POV~

I got onto Minho's double bike-the backseat of it. Minho was acting weird today. It's like he wants to say something but he's to scared to blurt it out. I hope he knows that no matter what it is, I'll be here to support him. 

"So Min, what is it you wanted to say?" I can see him tense for some reason.

"Um...i-uh...It's...complicated" "Do you want some time to think about it?" 

"I've been thinking about it for almost 2 years now Newtie" Newt never to hide the blush when Minho calls him that. "Well then-uh whatever it is maybe we could talk about it somewhere else then" Minho nodded and the two of them paddled to the park.

~~~Third person~~~

They sat beside each other under the shade of a big tree at the farthest corner of the park. Newt looked at Minho, he looked so nervous playing with his own hands. Newt grabbed Minho's hand

"Minho whatever it is you wanna tell me....I promise I won't judge" Newt held out his pinky to Minho. Minho wrapped his pinky around Newt's not wanting to let go. He took a deep breath and said "Newtie...I'm gay" Newt didn't give out any expression which made Minho scared and turn away from Newt. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that. You hate me now" Minho had tears running down his cheeks as he faced his best friend. Newt knew this was serious...Minho never cried until now.Newt hesistantly hugged Minho rubbing his back,comforting him. 

"Min, It's okay.Gay or not you're still my bloody best friend" Newt kissed his forehead, pulling back. Minho wiped away his tears," We should probably get home now Newtie, don't want our parents to get mad at the both of us" "I like the sound of that"


"Hey Newt how was your day,hun?" "It was alright" Newt smiled at his mom.He started removing his shoes

"Me and your father bought something for you and Minho" Newt looked up at his mom "What is it?"

His mother signaled for him to follow her to the living room where his father was watching the news. 

"Peter dear why don't you show Newt what we bought for him and Minho" Newt's father bended to get somehting from under the coffee table. He handed the boxes to Newt which was covered in newspaper with Newt's and Minho's name labeled at the top of it. 

"What is this?" Newt raised his eyebrows at his parents.His mother and father smiled at Newt excited to see his reaction. His mother suddenly showed a face which means that she has an idea. "Why don't you invite Minho for a sleepover after school tomorrow? I'll ask his mom right now" his mom rushed to kitchen counter where the telephone is. 

"I hope you like it son" his dad smiled at him. He smiled back going to his room, placing the boxes on the desk. 

He changed to his normal nightwear which is one of Minho's shirt (Minho left it in his room after having a sleepover). He hopped on his bed drifting away to dreamland


Newt opened his eyes to see Minho staring down at him he screamed and fell off the bed. Minho chuckled at him. Newt groggily stood up, Minho always does that when he wakes up early to tease Newt. 

"Aw, Newtie you're wearing my shirt again" Minho smirked at Newt as he saw the boy blush

"Shut up shank" Newt walked to his closet and grabbed his clothes for school then went to the washroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He noticed Minho looking at him through the mirror, smiling. Newt wiped his mouth with a hand towel pushing Minho aside as he went to change. 

"Hurry up Newtie we're gonna be late for school" 

"Patience young man" Minho chuckled at Newt lying down on his unmade bed.

"Newtie..." "Yeah?" "Are you straight?" Newt looked at his best friend trying to pull his pants up. "What kind of question is that?" "A Minho-kind of question" 

"I don't know my sexuality yet, maybe when we get older Min." 

"Promise Newtie?" "promise Min. Now let's go to school" 

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