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                  As the two boys walked home hand in hand, smiling at each other. Minho opened the door for his princess

"Ladies first, my princess" Newt nodded at him and walked inside, Minho following behind closing the door. They removed their shoes and ran to the ouch fighting over the remote. Minho won (as usual), Newt pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Minho chuckled at him and kissed his cheek, giving Newt the remote. Newt smiled at him, but instead of turning on the TV he pounced on Minho making them fall off the couch , laughing.

"What was that for?" Minho wrapped him arms around Newt's torso, Newt nuzzled his face into Minho's chest.

"Mmm I got bored and you looked comfy" Minho smiled at the boy laying on his chest.

"Wanna cuddle in your bed, Newtie?" Newt nodded. 

Minho carried Newt bridal style to his room with Newt in his arms snuggled up to his chest. He tried to twist the doorknob but failed.

"Babe can you open the door for me?" 

"Babe?" Newt chuckled at Minho as he opened the door. 

"What? Don't you like the nickname?" 

"No, I prefer 'princess' " Minho smiled as he walked and placed Newt on the bed. Newt closed his eyes, until he felt Minho lift him up, being placed on his lap. He lets his legs stretch on either side. 

Minho pulls him close to his chest as possible , Newt hugging back.

"You have no idea how long I waited for this moment Newtie" Minho never wanting to let Newt go.

"Well now you no longer have to wait for this moment, because it's happening right now" Newt kissed Minho for the second time today and it's true, fireworks do explode. They fit so perfectly together, like a missing puzzle piece to complete Minho's life. Newt pulled away only to leave Minho craving for Newt's lips. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment... Newt traced Minho's lips using his thumb, soft. Minho loved him so much that if Newt leaves him one day, he'll die loving him. 

"Princess" Newt continued to trace Minho's lips 

"Yeah?" he looked at Minho with so much passion.

"Don't leave me"

"Never, Prince Minho" he smiled at Minho 

"I'm a knight Newtie not a prince" 

"You're my prince Minho. Always" Minho smiled 

" When we go to college, I want us to be dormates. We'll make memories everyday before we graduate High school. We'll be happy, we'll be helping one another if we get stressed from projects and homeworks, give each other kisses before we go to our own classes in college, oh god Newtie I love you so much."  Minho snuggled into Newt's chest holding him tightly. Newt nuzzled his face into  Minho's perfectly quiffed hair. 

"We'll fullfill your dreams together, Min. I promise" Minho looked up at Newt smiling widely 

"Good that"


                 The next morning, Minho helped Newt conceal his black eye and it turned out well and hidden. They biked to Minho's house first before going to school. Thomas was there to meet them at the front gate. While Minho parked his bike, Newt gave Thomas a side hug greeting him.

"Where's Gally?" Minho asked as he walked over to the two boys.

"He' on his way here actua- Speaking of Gally" Thomas pointed at Gally walking up to them. Gally waved and Thomas ran up to him, practically jumping on the taller boy and wrapping his legs around his waist. Minho looked at Newt who was smiling at the couple, he looked brighter than the sun whenever he smiles. Gally spinned Thomas around, they looked so happy together.

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