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Yes. Him.

'' Hello there Earth please take a seat, also meet my lawyer Kao ''

'' Nice to meet you Kao ''

Fuck ... he is too perfect for this world.

'' Nice to meet you too. ''

I replied trying to sound okay with everything going on. Knowing that I am screaming inside.

I honesly don't know if I'm happy to meet him again and my anti - social self is too much right now or I am too happy that I don't know how to react. Either way his name is Earth ... that's such a beautiful name.

Let's be honest. I wasn't really present with this meeting. I was staring at Earth like there was no tommorow. And I'm scared that he noticed it. I came out of my little buble when Mr. Virote said

'' Okay Earth, I am very pleased with our meeting. I am happy that we met today and I hope that everything will turn out perfect ''

'' Yes ​​sir, I am very happy that I met you and your lawyer Kao, thank you for today '' - Earth said.

'' Okay I think me and Kao will go right now, hope you have a nice day '' - Mr. Virote said.

As we stood up we said our final goodbyes I looked back one final time.

We arrived at the parking lot and we immediately went back to the company. My thoughts were filled with Earth. He looked too good on this meeting. Well that makes me think, will I ever see him again? Does he like me? Okay Kao that was stupid..we met like twice ... but stlll ... does he think that I am attractive?

Ughhnh I am such an overthinker


Help ... okay calm down ....

I was taking deep breaths in the car, while also trying not to look like I was going insane. Which I was but let's just forget that. Anyways we arrived at the building and I was fine ... I guess ... I had a cup of tea and I was ready to start working again.

* Skip to the next day *

Third person POV

Kao was doing work like any other normal day. He was still thinking about Earth and their shared moments ... well mostly the club but still. It was a lot to take in. Suddenly somebody knocked on his door

'' Excuse me mr.Kao but you have a guest ... so um did you forget to tell me to put a meeting on your schedule or? '' - the secretery said.

'' A guest? no I don't have meeting today, but ... who is it? ''

'' I am sorry mr. Kao but the person wants to keep that anynomys ''

'' okay then let them in ''

The office door closed and opened again.

To reveal ...


Looking better then ever. High wasted loose jeans, chained up crop top, big black hat, black small sunglasses, high heels and overall A LOT of chains on his wrists.

Kao widened his eyes and opened his mouth a little, suprised by the presence of Earth.

And the other was quick to notice the reaction

'' Hey babe, surprised? ''

Earth looked at the chair that was in the corner and throwed his Gucci purse.

𝕂𝕒𝕠𝔼𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕙 - '' 𝕎𝕙𝕪 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖? ''Where stories live. Discover now