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'' Oh you woke up? '' - I said and looked up.

'' Hi! '' - Kao said and waved at Book.

'' Hi, Kao I am Book, Earth's best friend ''

'' Nice to meet you Book! '' - Kao said and smiled.

'' Kao ... go and wash up ... '' - I said, trying to sound like everything is normal.

'' I will ... see you Book! '' - Kao said and left.

I facepalmed myslef mentally and signed.

'' Okay then Book you got your updates I'm out ''

'' Oh wait how many time y'all fuck- ''

I hung up the phone before he could ask the question.

Shit. Kao heard that?

Kao's POV

I was in the bathroom taking a shower, but I couldn't get my mind out of the fact that I heard Earth say something like that.

Is my plan working?

I mean Prem's plan.

Wow ... Prem know's how these things work.

I have to thank him when I'm back home.

So ... wait ... are me and Earth right now ... together?

like for real?

He said he is trying to go deeper ...

Does he really like me?

He ... loves me?

* The next day *

It was Kao and Earth's first day in Spain. The boys have never visited Spain. And they loved the culture there, so they were sure that they'll have a lot of fun.

'' Kao! Let's swim !! '' - Earth said with a smile on his face.

Kao just smiled and took of his shirt.

They were running to the sea, and going for a swim even if they felt cold.

'' AAHH Kao it's cold !! ''

''I know!! fuck ''

After like 5 minutes the boys started enjoying the sun hitting their faces with the bright light and the small waves in the sea.

It was really relaxing.

Kao and Earth were swiming for like hour but then both of them started feeling a bit tired so they got out of the sea.

'Babyy! I am hungry! '' - Kao said with a pouty face.

Earth just laughed and kissed him.

'' let's eat something then! ''

The boys grabbed their things and started searching for a good restaurant near the beach.

They spotted a really fancy restoraunt and Kao knew that it was their final choice.

"We are going in baby!" - Earth said exitedly.

Kao just laughed and followed the younger boy. They found a really beautiful table at the terrace area of ​​the restaurant with the view of the sea.

'' Oh wow! '' - Earth said and started at the beautiful view in front of him.

'' Oh wow! '' - Earth said and started at the beautiful view in front of him

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"Can I take your order?" - the waiter came to their table.

Earth looked up ... and saw ... his ex boyfriend.

'' well well well ... I did not expect to meet you here playboy " - the waiter said looking at Earth.

'' playboy huh? Look at yourself in the mirror sometimes Clay ... you teached me '' - Earth replied.

Kao was not sure as if what was going in at the moment but he saw the tone of voice that Earth had which made him realize that he is irritated.

'' Let's leave the past Earth ... we're not in high school now are we? ''

'' You are right, let's leave the past ... get out of my sight and get me a diffrent waiter '' - Earth said and turned to the other side while looking at the menu.

'' I am your waiter for today Earth. Stop trying to escape from me ... I am a changed man now ''

'' Look ... I don't know you but I see that Earth has a problem with you so please call a diffrent waiter and and leave him alone " - Kao spoke up and that made Earth feel secure.

'' And who are you exactly? '' - Clay asked Kao.

'' I'm Kao ... Earth's boyfriend '' - Kao replied and that made Earth blush.

'' Oh so you got a boyfie? Is he better than me? '' - Clay asked Earth while looking at Kao.

'' Clay ... leave right now! '' - Earth said again still not looking at him.

'' I'll take your order first '' - Clay said.

Earth ordered everything and then looked at Kao.

Clay literally turned around and left when Earth got up his chair, grabbed Clay by his collar and said

'' look motherfucker ... you have two choices ... take my boyfriends order or get fired right now ''

All of the people eyes were on the scene while Kao was just standing next to Earth trying to caml him down

'' Earth ... calm down '' - Kao said and slowly got his hands away from Clay's collar and moved him away from him.

After about five minutes the manager came and said sorry to both of them, took their order and Clay got fired the same day.

''Infant? I s everything okay now? ''

'' yeah ... finnaly that jerk is fired '' - Earth replied.

'' Do you mind ... um ... telling me about him? ... ''

'' It's okay ... I will tell you about Clay ''

'' thank you tho ... ''

'' it's not a problem ... it's just that ... when I was in high school ... I started dating him ... and it was my first relationship ... we dated for like 8 months ... until I found out that he was cheating on me ''

'' I'm sorry ... '' - Kao said and put his hand over Earth hand.

'' it's okay ... it happened a long time ago ... I was naive and I fell for his games ... that's the reason why I hate dating and I refuse to be in a relationship ''

'' I'm sorry that things didn't work out with you two ... but it's clearly because he isn't the one for you ... so you have to understand that ... you have to kiss couple of frogs before you find the prince ''

'' well I kissed one frog and I hated it ... are you the second frog? '' - Earth said and both of them started laughing like there is no tommorow.

'' I hope I'm not a frog too ... ''

Okay but this ending of the chapter🥺



Hope this was a good Christmas gift!🎁

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