You're assigning me a what?!

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(Anakin's pov)
"You're fading off again, pull yourself together!".

Just another day in the life of the jedi order. And it's as boring as ever. The same rhythm and schedule every sunrise. Nothing's new and exciting anymore, though I never expected it to be. It's war times and everyone's affected in their oen ways.

"I wasn't! I was only resting my eyes from the piercing sun for awhile." I outed in a more defensive manner than I intended.
"It looked awfully much like you were drifting off for the third time only this hour, Anakin."
   The tense look my former master gave me caused a quiet sigh to escape my lips. He's disappointed.

   Lately it seems that I have fallen head first into a slump that I have no idea how to get out of. Uwanted attention is the result of several failed missions one after another caused by none other than me.
The council is starting to see a pattern in my downfalls and it's showing.         
   I haven't been sleeping much, maybe that's why. Though there's not much I can do about it. Every night, nightmares creep into my dreams and wake me up in the middle if the night covered in sweat or just pure anger.
This results in me waking up exceedingly early and already in a bad mood every day.

"I'm sorry, Obi-wan. I guess it's just not my day today."
A chuckle from the man I hold close as a friend.
"You've been saying that for soon to be a month now. I think it's safe to say that this isn't  your YEAR! Not anyone's year, for that matter."

He's right.
Recently I've only caused more trouble than I've solved. Even the most simple tasks seem to be enough for me to fall asleep mid battle.
No, not really.
   But close to. I have been fainting a lot due to lack of sleep and at this point I would probably be dead if it wasn't for Obi-wan being there to back me up. I often stay irritated and on the edge for days, spend as much time as possible alone in my dorm and exercise until I eventually fall asleep of exhaustion. It works most of the time but only for a few hours or so.
   My lifestyle and the choices I'm making is an utter failure. Cause even though someone's almost always there to save my back in times like these, I still fail, and for what, some night terrors?

"What's to discuss at the council meeting today? Anything new?" I ask.
I do probably already know the answer to that. But I'll ask anyway, since we're already heading to the High council chamber, the room where all the wise jedi masters go through important matters happening in the galaxy.

My gaze wanders over the all so familiar temple halls, ancient history patterns draping on the marooned colored fabric covering the once naked stone walls.
Right ahead of us are the stairs leading up to the chamber.
A small knot of distress froms in my abdomen as I let my feet carry me. Only bad memories from this room.
   I'm a part of the council too, which is the reason I'm heading there with Obi-wan. But the thing is... I'm not a master. I wasn't granted the rank at the end of my training as a padawan, which is a natural part of the process of becoming a jedi knight.
   It has bugged me ever since. Something holds me apart from everyone else. Because even though I'm a council member, I don't feel equal to the remaining 11 knights.
   Even at the very beginning of my journey, the council were much reluctant at even training me in the first place.

"Actually there is. This matter is about you, for a fact. But I was told not to let you know about it until we reach the chamber." Obi-wan replies in a subtle but slightly odd voice.

What couldn't he tell me?
I raise an eyebrow and lock eyes with my friend  who now had gained a spark of something I cannot tell; in his eyes. The knot in my stomach thickens.

"Is that so? I don't like the sound by that. Should I be worried. Or more importantly, should I turn my heel already and flee the scene?"
No answer.
I cross my arms, slowing down my pace until it forces Obi-wan to stop walking and eventually confirm or deny my worries. At first he seem impatient to get to the chamber with me already. Then finally he gives up a sigh and flashes me a genuine bright smile that would leave anyone confused in a situation like this.

"You might not like it at first, but I'm positive that you'll come around and turn out to enjoy it in the end!" He pats me on the shoulder and continues up the stairs.

Now what the ***** is that supposed to mean?

As I pick up my pace once again, a ton of questions build up inside and I swallow down a lump of doubt as I take the last steps up the stairs and into the evocative High council chamber.

Inside is everyone seated as usual and the open view of the nature outside is gloomy and grey due to the rainy weather that has been going on for the entire week.
The first eyes to meet mine are of course master Yoda and master Windu. A silent welcoming nod from them and I advert me gaze to look around the room once again.

But today it's not as usual. Because there's another person in the room. Someone  whom I've never met in my life before; standing in the back of the chamber leaned against the rounded pale wall. A girl, seemingly around my age or younger. Her posture is upright and the look on her face is blank and absent.
   Then suddenly her expression turns curious and tense as her piercing  (e/c) eyes look back at me. She's judging me, looking me up and down, observing and searching.

I only confirm my staring for a few seconds, then look back at the seats in front of me and nod back at the two masters.
   Confused and with a dumbfounded look on my face I move to go take my seat in one of the chairs postioned in a rounding shape due to the dome.

"Welcome, Young Skywalker. Been awaiting you we have!" Yoda exclaims with a sheerful voice as Mace Windu straightens his once laid back posture into a forward and serious look. By the judge of his look, he'll be the next one to talk.
"Don't take your seat just yet, Anakin. As the first matter to bring up on todays agenda involves you specifically, we would like you to stand up just a little longer."

I stop walking and position myself in the center of the chamber as expected from the other council members, the burning eyes of the unknown woman distracting my concentration.
"What is it that you want to discuss?" I ask with hesitation spread all over my face.

The slight crinkle between Mace Windu's eyebrow tells that he seems to struggle with his choice of words for the next coming sentences.

"Well... As a matter of fact it's not really that much to discuss. We have an announcement regarding your work efforts the past month."

My abdomen twist in aversion and reluctantly weigh over my body weight onto one single foot. I can feel my posture sinking the more nervous I get. Of course I knew that I would have to talk about my recent failures with them eventually, but as you do, I just hoped that they would forget and move on.

"Lately we've experienced a... reckless side of yours during your battles or simply by the way you act depending on the day. And judging  by the distressed aura you've had for several weeks and the significant tiredness you've been experiencing, we have decided to put you on hold for awhile to attend to other, less energy craving jedi matters."

"Wait, what other jedi matters if not doing the tasks I've been sent out on? I don't need to rest, I just need to gain back my focus somehow!" I insist but it seems to have little to no effect on the man's decision.

"Anakin Skywalker, in concern for your health and with intention to help you grow as a knight and as a person, we've assigned you another a different type of task. A task that we are positive will leave a big and encouraging mark in your growth as a Jedi."

I don't like the sound of this.
I think I already know what they mean. The girl and the strange looks I've been receiving... Can only mean-

"Assigned you a padawan, we have! Meet your apprentice, (y/n)!" Yoda utters and points his staff at the girl in the back of the room as a last confirming sign.


They assigned me a what?!

My dear apprentice - Anakin!skywalker x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now