You sir, are a danger to society.

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Cut low!"
"Your grip is too loose."

"See what you did there? You left me an open area."

"Too slow!"
"You're not maintaining distance!"

"It's block, thrust, then avoid. Not the other way around!"

"Get up on your feet again! Your enemy wouldn't wait for you to recover!"


"Let's call it quits. We're not going to make any further progress when you're in this state anyway."

Breathe. I can't breathe.
Pain. I can't feel my leg.
I feel nauseous.

He's absolutely crazy. A sadist, that's what he is!

"I'm aware it is your first time, but even as a beginner, you should be able to at least find ONE mistake in my moves and take advantage of that. I gave you several to spot out."

I hate you. You're a danger to all students and to society. You should be locked in a cave for everyone's safety if you call this training.

"Though, I am much impressed by your patience and strength. Not every student I've sparred with is able to take an ass-whooping for three hours straight."

So there's more of you're victims, huh? Where are they now these days? In the freezer or dumped in a bush behind an old building?

"You're insane!" I spit out with a muffled growl, forcing my arms to bear my body into what would feel like an upright sitting position, though all I feel right now is pain. With blurry vision, I rub my eyes hazily and glare forwards the tall shape of my tormentor from my spot on the floor.

And how did I end up on the floor? I don't even remember. I must have fallen or fainted and then gained back consciousness right after. All I feel is the numbness of my legs, my arms crying out in terror and the bruises aching and pounding on my outer things, hips, shoulders and back.

He did not hold back like he promised he would. He just went straight onto beating me and commanding me on how to defend myself. He whammed my back like it was nothing and hit me in my sides like he actually tried to cut through. A few hits to the back of my head made me lose my focus and at that point, I was unable to gain anything from his commands.
Now, I am a beginner. But I know damn well that you don't need to thrust that hard because of the extreme heat radiating from the lightsaber. So why is he trying to break my bones with a plain stick when he could do much worse with any other weapon available in this room?

"No, you're not listening to what I'm saying. I need to slap enough information into your thick skull for you to be able survive an ambush at our temple or while out on the streets. That's why you learn the basics at the very start of your training. Now I have teach you from the very beginning within an unknown time limit that could go on forever or end out of nowhere. As my padawan, you're a great target for anyone out to hurt me or you."

He keeps on lecturing me like this each hour but my ears has stopped listening for some reason. My brain just doesn't process what he says. Though I'm not saying no to a little peace and quiet.

"I am able to defend myself, just not against you. Yet. Besides, You're not one of the best swordsmen to walk this path only to be killed off out of nowhere. Aren't you supposed to defend me until I am able to wield a lightsaber, anyway? I don't think we're in that much of a danger."
I exclaim, closing my eyes in order to block out the blurry shapes around me. Excessive problems is the last I need.
All I need right now is a shower, some food and sleep.

My dear apprentice - Anakin!skywalker x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now