That's all I ask of you.

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Though, what do you want to do now? I assume that you want to stay in the city for awhile, since your mood is so great."

Damn right, I feel good!
I don't think I have felt this good since I first begun my training as a Jedi.

I have waited for so long to be sent out on my first mission. All that training and I finally got to prove to myself that I actually learned by it.
Especially this week.
Fighting against one of the strongest Jedi without any mercy really caused my self esteem to drop as a newbie.
But today I finally got to experience sweet success of accomplishing something great for awhile. And sure, maybe the task wasn't any hard, but accepted a challenge and I succeeded. And on top of that, I have been inside the boring walls of the Jedi temple the entire week and it was about time that I got to go out.
I want to hold on to this... feeling, as long as I can.

" I thought we could take a look around the area while we are still here. There were flyers and posters about there being a carnival not far away from here. My friends wanted me to check it out with them but I didn't want to go."

I turn my head backwards to smile at the man with the piercing blue eyes. He always make sure to walk about six feet behind me for some reason. And I always catch him studying my every move every time I turn around.

I don't think he's realized that his staring is making me slightly uncomfortable but I don't plan to tell him either. He's that kind of guy that would space off into another reality and do stuff on autopilot. Besides, he's the only man that I'd be the most okay with staring like that. Because he is my master. And because of the bond we're supposed to create.
I still don't like him that much. He's been an asshole like always until now. One day with Anakin in a great mood isn't gonna make up for his usual rude behavior.

"But going there with me isn't a problem then? Should I be flattered or take that as a red flag?" My master says and let out a grin, his eyes squinting due to the bright sun.

The sun. Isn't it wonderful? How one glowing star so far away can cause such warmth to tingle all senses? Not just the feel of its shine, but also how significantly lighter the mood gets when there's nice weather outside. Especially since it's been cloudy and raining all week and this is the first day when the sun decided to enlighten Coruscant with its embrace.

"You should feel very flattered, regarding the fact that I consider the people I go with to be half the experience." I exclaim and sigh, deciding to quicken up my pace and reach out a hand to tug my master along by the shoulder.

"Now, hurry a little. It gets cold when the sun disappear for the night."
When I once again turn my gaze at him, sighs of a man deep in though display on his face.

"Then I shall do my best to make this visit a blast. To bad you didn't steal my tunic again, for this occasion, though." He grin once again and gets up in my face with a mixture of daring and laughing eyes.

I award his words with a light punch on the shoulder and a scoff.

*Time skip*

"The sky is darkening for tonight, (Y/n). We should be making our way back home." Anakin speaks up from a previous moment of silence. He then gather some of the prizes won by us at the carnival.

Funny. We went there to have a good time and that's exactly what we got.
Though, we made a competition out of every game possible. Who could win the most stuffed animals in 10 minutes, who could finish a candy apple on shortest amount of time and the third competition ending up being the one to decide a winner. Who could down a glass of hot sauce without showing the most pain.
I won, because of my high tolerance for spicy food. And of course I didn't tell Anakin about my large advantage in the last competition.
Well, he figured it out anyway and claim that I cheated. I guess he's right, too.
But as I recall, there wasn't any specific rules about such things.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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