I didn't take you for the erotic type!

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(Anakin's pov)

"It's decided then. From today and on, (y/n) (s/n) and Anakin Skywalker will share a new journey of knowledge and understanding. They will defend each other's backs in battle and lend a shoulder to rely on in times of war, as master and padawan. May the force be with you on the way."


Where have I heard that name before?


"What are you looking at?" Anakin grumbles at the young girl who from now on is going to be his responsibility, a huge weight on his shoulders that he didn't ask for.

" I can do that myself, you know. Unpack my stuff, I mean." (Y/n) mentions in a subtle voice.

"You took too long. Besides, no one need that much belongings as a Jedi." He replies with an exaggerated sigh at the end, which to he receives a snort from the annoying, rather... tiny girl behind him to the left.
With reluctance in her body, she has positioned herself in the back of the small room. Meanwhile I'm the one unpacking the stuff arriving at the entrance of the temple after the meeting. So here I am, unfolding some pieces of clothing that I have no idea what it's supposed to be from the absurdly large bag laying on one of the beds that will come to be her sleeping spot. At the opposite side of the room is my bed.
I know. Do we really have to share a room? It was already rather small for one person to begin with. But apparently it's what the council decided since they considered my previously loud attempts at declining my position as her mentor to be concerning regarding the bond we'll have to create to work together.

The suddenly awkward silence thickening in the room remind me on our way to our room after the council meeting. No one spoke a word through the endless cold corridors, except for a quiet giggle from her side when the baggage got shipped off at the doorstep without anyone available to help. No man or woman could possibly carry luggage that heavy and since (y/n) was the newcomer addition to the temple, it was my duty as master to "treat her welcoming" as Obi wan worded it before we left the meeting.

Isn't she going to speak up soon? This is becoming unpleasant soon. And why wouldn't she defend her belongings in some kind of way.

I turn my head to look at the (y/n) behind me with a raised eyebrow, digging to the bottom of the package with my hands to single out all the clothes in a pile for her to put in her personal wardrobe later on as I go.
She's standing with her arms crossed loosely in front of her chest with her back slightly arched back. Brows furrowed in... is that distress? And her teeth lightly pinching the side of the bottom lip. The look on her face is overall surprising, since this is a new emotion for me to discover from her.

Is she... anxious? Or embarrassed? No, that can't be. Judging on what I've seen of her so far, she wouldn't be embarrassed of such words.

"What's up with that face you're making? Am I doing something wrong?" I ask and go back to focusing on the giant mountain of clothes. I move aside what appears to some simple looking jewelry in plain silver and gather them together and handing them to the hands of the eyes burning a cavity in my back with her stares.

"No, not really." She replies to which I'm starting to grow irritated by her vague replies.

I watch her carefully fold the jewelry in her hands like they were precious diamonds. She seems get distracted and takes a closer look on the fragile chains before placing them in a box on a shelf above her bed.

"Then what is it? And don't say nothing because I despise dry responses and dogged answers."

She takes my side by the bed and lock gaze with me, arms now folded in a defensive manner and her shin raised high.

My dear apprentice - Anakin!skywalker x fem!reader Where stories live. Discover now