chapter 2

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Ashton's POV

Me and Luke had just finished a hard day's work. The day had seemed to drag on forever. It was still undecided in my mind whether that was a good or a bad thing. Luke and I had decided to head to the grocery store to pick up a few things on the way home. The whole drive there my mind was clouded. But, I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen. Good or bad at the moment I felt far too exhausted to deal with anything.

On the way out of the store Luke and I saw a concerning sight. A girl who appeared to be maybe 12 was laying in an alley asleep. She could have been older, but if she was she was certainly under weight. After taking a few moments to decide me and Luke thought the best option would be to see what was going on.

The closer we got the more concerning the sight became. She was all alone and was definitely malnourished. She had a backpack which had a few things in it. And even though she looked young, her facial features gave her away. She now looked at least 14 or 15. Which made the situation look even worse. Instead of being small enough for concern, she was small to the point where it was dangerous.

"Do you think we should call the police?" Luke whispered.

After thinking for a moment I responded with "No, what if there was a reason she ran away, we can call them later. But right now we need to take her to the hospital."

"Alright, back to work I guess." Luke said far from enthused.

Unknown's POV

I woke up to someone rubbing my shoulder. I immediately let out a scream. There were two men standing over me. If I had learned one thing throughout my life so far, it is to not trust men. After I had let out the scream I started trying to get away, but they wouldn't let me.

The one with black hair started saying "we're not going to hurt you, calm down."

But I didn't want to trust him, trust gets you nowhere. But I guess they couldn't do anything that hasn't been done to me. But the fact that they could be on the list of people who have hurt me, didn't sit right. As I was thinking, the other one, who had blonde hair, started telling me that they were doctors. I mean, they couldn't be but so bad. Maybe they could actually help me.

"Are you okay?" the one with black hair asked.

"Yeah, I am." I responded timidly.

"Well I honestly don't think you are, but my name is Ashton, and his name is Luke." he said pointing at the blonde one.

To that I just gave a small smile. I didn't really know how to respond, I never have really developed my social skills well.

Since I didn't respond, Ashton as I now know him, asked me the one of the questions I was scared to answer, what my name was. Because what if he's lying and he actually works with them and he's just trying to get me to go back without a fight. I honestly didn't know if I should tell him. He could actually be dangerous. So I decided he needed to earn more of my trust first.

So I responded to him by saying "If you know my name then that means you can hurt me."

"Why do you think we would hurt you?" Luke asked, sounding confused.

"Because what if you work for them?" I was scared now, maybe they would hurt me if they thought I was on to them.

"I can assure you we don't work for them, we don't even know who 'them' are." Ashton responded, sounding even more concerned.

Maybe I could trust them, they seemed nice enough. They actually sounded sincere and were actually concerned for me. So, I decided to trust them, just a little bit. But that was more trust than I have ever given anyone else.

"Will you let us help you?" Luke asked, I knew they were gonna help me whether I asked or not.

I shook my head lightly, indicating that I gave them permission to help me. There were so many questions going through my head. I was working myself up, I knew that. But I just couldn't stop. There were so many things going on and it was overwhelming. It was getting hard to breathe, my chest was tightening.

Soon, one of them spoke, but I couldn't tell which one at the moment. "Woah, bring your knees to your chest and put your head to your knees."

"Breathe, in, out." the other one said, who I now identified as Ashton.

After a few minutes of them whispering reassuring words and reminding me to breathe, I was fine. But I was worried, what was wrong with me. I mean, they're doctors so they should know, so I decided to ask.

"What was that?"

"That was an anxiety attack." Luke answered.

"Have you ever had one before?" Ashton asked, chiming in.

"Not that I'm aware of, but I don't know. It could have happened and I just don't remember." I said, still scared from what just happened.

"I can tell you're scared." Ashton said, referring to the anxiety attack.

"But, they're quite common, unfortunately." Luke added.

"Come on, get up." Ashton said.

"Where are we going?" I asked, still not sure of the whole situation.

"The hospital, we need to make sure you're okay." Luke said.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense." I said, trying but failing to make a joke.

I guess I was going to have to actually trust them now. Trust them to make sure they help me out. Because all I need is help, and that's all I've ever needed. I trusted two random guys I met about 15 minutes ago more than I have trusted anyone else. I still didn't trust them that much, but the only person I've ever trusted in my life is myself.

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