chapter 3

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Luke's POV

We helped the girl up, who's name we still didn't know. She was very small, obviously malnourished. She even had several visible injuries. I have no clue how she was walking without complaining of pain. It looked like she may have even had a broken bone. This girl was either used to it, or had a very high pain tolerance. And I'm betting it's the first one the way she first reacted towards us.

"Sophia." the girl said very softly.

"What?" Ashton asked, sounding very confused.

"You wanted to know my name, my name is Sophia." she said looking scared almost.

"Oh, well it's very nice to meet you Sophia." I smiled, which seemed to visibly relax her.

It was almost like she expected us to be angry at her for talking, for answering her questions. I felt really bad. It looks very obvious that she came from an abusive situation. I just met her and I already want to protect her, and I'm sure Ash feels the same way. We finally got to my car, and we helped her in. She seemed almost amazed at the sight of it, like she's never been in one before.

"I'll sit in the back with her, you drive." Ash said after he realized the same thing I had.

"Do you want to tell us anything that happened?" Ashton asked Sophia after a few moments of silence.

"Let's just say it wasn't very safe and I had to get away." She said, giving us very few details.

As much as I didn't want to push her for details, I needed to know what happened. I had to know what I was going to do, and what to stay away from.

I heard the sounds of someone crying as I pulled into my parking space, it was Sophia. "What's wrong?" Ashton asked, frowning.

"I'm scared" she sobbed out.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We aren't here to hurt you, we're here to help you and that's what we're gonna do". I said, trying to comfort her.

She didn't say anything, she just nodded. She was very tired, me and Ash both could see that. As we got out of the car Ashton just decided to pick her up bridal style. Which, thankfully, didn't cause a negative reaction from Sophia.

Sophia's POV

Ashton was carrying me, and surprisingly I wasn't scared. We walked through the doors of the hospital and I immediately smelled the sanitary smell. It was almost sickening. I hate hospitals and everything about them. The bright lights, the amount of people, the very little privacy, and most of all the smell. All of those things are horrendous and absolutely horrible.

I guess they didn't have to check me in or anything because they brought me straight back to a room. I had been to a hospital before but it still felt foriegn. I guess knowing the fact that I wasn't just here so they could fix me up just to be hurt again played into it. The silence was deafening so I decided to ask a question. "What type of doctor are you guys?"

"Well, we're both surgeons, as well as are friends that are coming to help us with you. But, I'm a cardiologist." Luke answered.

"And I'm a trauma surgeon." Ashton smiled.

"What do your friends do?" I inquired.

"Well, Michael is in Orthopedics and Calum is in Pediatrics" Luke said.

I just nodded my head, staring off into space. That is, until I felt a sharp prick in my arm. Almost as if Ashton knew my reaction was going to be bad he immediately said "it's just an IV."

"What hurts, like what's been bothering you?" Luke questioned.

"Well, my ankle hurts, and so do my ribs. And I also have this cut on my back that keeps bleeding." I stated.

"Can I look at the cut?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, sure." I didn't really want him to but he needed to do it.

"This looks like it's going to need stitches." Ashton said to Luke.

"We can do the stitches tonight and then get Calum and Michael in here to check out her other problems tomorrow." Luke replied.

To which Ashton said "that should be fine."

Ashton got all the stuff for the stitches and then started cleaning out the cut, which hurt. Really bad. But I wasn't going to complain. They haven't done anything to make me not trust them, and they're helping me out. Luke left at some point during Ashton's process of doing the stitches, but came back not long after.

"I got you some clothes, well technically they're mine but it should be fine." Luke said, walking through the door.

He then handed me a shirt and a pair of joggers. They were most certainly too big, but who was I to complain.

"There, all finished." Ashton revealed. "We'll leave you to change." Luke quickly added.

I tied the string on the joggers as tight as it would go, they were still loose. But, they would do. And then I told Ash and Luke they could come back in.

"Okay so, I'm going to stay with you tonight if that's okay. Luke would stay but he's going to go home and inform Michael and Cal what's going on."

"That's fine." I replied, because truthfully, I expected them to leave me here.

"Okay, goodnight. See you tomorrow." Luke said.

"Goodnight" I replied.

"Wake me up if you need anything at all." Ashton told me when Luke left.

"I will, goodnight" I responded.

"Sleep tight" Ashton smiled, and then I drifted off into the dark world, known as sleep.

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