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The Mortal Cup

I pace back and forth in my room as I wait for my sister to pick out my clothes for a rave we, and a few others, are attending. She often tends to tell me I have no style, which is probably why most of the time we go out, she always picks what I'm going to wear. I have no problem with it though, she tends to have the better clothing out of the two of us anyway.

I stop pacing when I hear heels clicking on the wooden floor behind me. I turn around to see my sister walking towards me with a one piece garment in her hand, no doubt it's for me. She's wearing this wonderful white top that matches with her white skirt along with her grey heels.

"Finally, I found something for you to wear. Here, put it on," she shoves the garment in my hands and drags me to the bathroom.

I roll my eyes as she closes the door. I look at the piece of clothing she gave me, which seems a bit revealing for a rave, but I trust my sister's opinion.

I open the door and walk out of the bathroom

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I open the door and walk out of the bathroom. I turn to my sister and coughed a bit so she would know I'm done.

"What do you think?" I turned a full 360 to show her the outfit.

She looks me up and down. "It looks amazing on you, sis. This is why you should always trust me when it comes to clothes." She flips her hair in a sassy way.

I laugh a bit, "Yeah yeah, how about we tone down the sas for now." As she was about to open her mouth to say something, we hear a voice emit from the other side of my door.

"Beatrice, Isabelle, let's go!" I immediately recognize it as my older brother's voice, Alexander Lightwood. We call him Alec, though.

"Okay, one second!" Isabelle, my sister, yells before she turns to look at me. "Alright, which one?" She points to the two wigs on my bed. One is a white bob and the other is a long, wavy, blue wig.

"Definitely the white one. It matches your outfit," I tell her.

She grabs the wig and leave the other on my bed.

"By the way, it's platinum blond, not white," Izzy says to me before walking out of the room.

I immediately follow right behind her. "You must be colorblind then because that wig is white."

We then approach Alec. He stands at the end of the hallway with his hands in his pockets. He's wearing baggy, black pants with a black shirt along with a black leather jacket. Jeez, he must love the color black.

"Hey there, big bro," Izzy says as we both stand next to him. He looks at her up and down, examining her outfit.

"Really?" he questioned. Izzy just smiled. Alec then looked at my outfit. "Let me guess, Isabelle chose your outfit?" I chuckled and gave a bit of a nod. He looks back at Izzy. "Why the wig?"

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