CH 7: Major Arcana

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I woke up to the feeling of something warm on my waist. I open my eyes and see an arm around waist. I look to my right and see Magnus sleeping peacefully. I carefully get out of his bed (luckily I was still in my clothes) and grabbed some of Magnus' clothes. Hopefully he won't mind I thought as I went into his bathroom. I quickly changed into the outfit:

After I changed, I grabbed Magnus' brush and brushed my hair

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After I changed, I grabbed Magnus' brush and brushed my hair. I quickly put it in a messy bun and I left the bathroom.

As I left the bathroom, I bumped into something. I look up and see Magnus staring at me. He then looked me up and down.

"I hope you don't mind. I didn't have any clothes to change into" I said as I look at the ground, embarrassed.

"It's fine. You look beautiful in my clothes" he comments before going into the bathroom I was just in and closing the door. I widened my eyes as my cheeks turn a bright pink. I then remember I forgot to tell my siblings that I was still here. I quickly grabbed my phone and see that it's 7:40 pm! I've slept for a day! I quickly check to see if I had any messages. I did. Iz and Alec both texted me. I opened my phone and texted Alec first.

~Depressed Emo☠~

D.E: Where are you? Mother called you over here.
8:02 p.m.

D.E: Tris, mother is very mad that your not here. Where are you anyways? and why are you not answering?
8:50 p.m.

D.E: You are one lucky son of a bitch. I did your job for you and made an excuse as to why you weren't here. By the way, answer your phone!
10:37 p.m.


You: Hey, Alec. Sorry for not answering and for not going to the Institute. I was at Magnus' and completely forgot about what mom wanted me to do. Sorry!
7:42 pm.

D.E: It's fine, but stay at Magnus'. Jace and Clary are coming over and I want you to watch them. They are going to try to figure out where the Cup is.
7:45 pm.

You: Okay
7:46 pm.

After I finished talking to Alec, I quickly looked through my contacts for Iz to see what she texted to me. When I found it, I opened it.

~My only sister EVER!💫~

M.O.S.E: Hey, where are you? You didn't come back with us.
8:16 p.m.

M.O.S.E: Why aren't you answer your texts? By the way, you better come back because mom is pissed at you.
8:47 p.m.


You: I was at Magnus' and totally forgot about what mom wanted. Sorry for not answering.
8:01 pm.

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