CH 11: Blood Calls to Blood

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Alec and I stand in front of Iz the next morning, trying to think of a way to help her.

"All we know is, we gotta get you out of here. All right, who do we know in Indris?" Alec asked.

"Mom and Dad are probably the only people who actually care" I say.

"But they're under suspicion themselves" Iz added.

"What about Lydia?" Alec and I both say.

"Lydia?" Iz looks at both of us. "Why do you both keep going there? She is prosecuting me. You said she had no choice."

"She doesn't."

Iz stand up. "Everyone had a choice, Alec and Tris. I made mine. Let me just get through this without losing my self-respect."

"Look, I know you don't want to believe this, but Lydia said she would help if we can give her a way to do it. Maybe Tris or I can get her to delay the trial" Alec tells Iz.

Iz scoffs. "Why? So I can sit here, playing computer solitaire, while they find something else to blame me for? I'm just a scapegoat to the Clave. They want the Cup."

"Let us buy some time to find it, Iz" I said, crossing my arms.

"Hey, Jace and Clary-" Iz cuts off Alec.

"Disappeared through a door to god knows where. You said they're lost forever. And so is the Cup."

"What if I was wrong? I can't find Jace because I weakened our bond-" I interrupted Alec.

"Which you shouldn't have done, by the way." Alec sends me a look before continuing.

"But that doesn't mean he can't be found, or that he can't find us. We need more time."

"You're grasping at straws now?" Alec sighed before squatting down next to Iz.

"Izzy, listen. I'm your big brother-" I interrupted Alec.

"And I'm your little sister, just because I'm younger doesn't mean I don't get a say." Iz and Alec both chuckled before Alec continued.

"Please, let us help you for once."


Alec, Lydia and I are walking back into the Institute after we got sent a message.

"The message said, "Have everything ready. The trial will begin immediately." She's on her way" Lydia said to us.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make any sense-" Alec said as Lydia and I stopped walking and stood in front of him. "Why rush this? We both know that Clary and Jace are still out there."

"Well, to be fair, Clary and Jace aren't on trial for high treason, Alec" I told him.

"Oh, come on. The three of us know there's nothing solid to pin on Isabelle. If we just delay this for a couple of weeks, it-" Alec was interrupted when the Institute doors opened up and guards started to march in.

Then we see a lady, who looked very familiar to me, walk past us and look at everyone and then turns to look at Lydia before looking at the guards. I then decided to look at the lady more clearly until I realized that this was the Inquisitor.

"Guards, at ease." The Inquisitor then looked at Alec and I, "Excuse us." Alec walked away while I followed behind. We stood a few steps away from Lydia and the Inquisitor.

We couldn't hear what they said, but after a few minutes, the Inquisitor walked away.

"You know what? I'd rather be stripped of my runes and sent into exile. . . than be part of this world. What kind of people sacrifice justice for law?" Was the first thing Izzy said to us. After the little interruption earlier, we decided to visit Izzy once again.

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