CH 6: Of Men and Angels

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Right now, I'm standing next to Alec, playing with my daggers. When Clary and the others left, the three of us went back to the Institute. Iz went to talk with mother while Alec and I were waiting. Then, Iz walked into the room.

"Mom's in rare form today."

"She's been different since she got back from Indris" Alec said.

"Yeah, she has been different. Weirder than usual. It's not like her" I added.

"If you say so. Same old judgemental mom with me" Iz sighs and looks at Alec and I. "Have you two spoken to Jace?"

"He can call me when he's done chasing the little girl and-" Alec was cut off by me.

"He can throw away my number for all I care. He better not speak to me or call me in a million years."

"Alec, Tris. You guys need to call Jace" Iz told us.

"No 'welcome home' for the old man" someone says. We turn around to see Dad and Max.

"Max!" Alec and I say. Max comes running to both of us. Alec and I hug our little brother.

"What are you doing back so soon?" Alec asked.

"Got in trouble in Mumbai" Max replied.

"Heck yeah! I see you've been taking pages off my book, huh Max?" I smiled and high five him. He returned it. Iz gave me a look that I shrugged off.

"What'd you do?" Alec asked.

"Nothing" Dad interrupted Max.

"He started a fire with his stele during rune studies." Iz chuckled and walked to Max.

"Max" Iz laughed.

"I told you, I was hungry" Max told dad than looked at us "I was trying to draw the Nourishment rune."

"Those two runes look nothing alike, Max" Alec pointed out.

"Well, they do to me."

"Max, go up to your room, open the Gray book and look up the Extinguish rune" Dad ordered Max. He sighs and left the room. He looks at us one more time and shrugs. I chuckled and smile. I got up and walked to Dad.

"Hey dad" I say before hugging him. He returned it.

"Hey sweetie" he said. I let go of the hug and walk back to Alec. Dad sighs and walk forward.

"Where is Clary Fairchild? Your mother said she's missing."

Alec sighed "She's not missing. She's with Jace."

"We can't have that girl out of Institute control. The entire Shadow World is looking for her. It's a security risk. Get them both back here now" Dad ordered before leaving the room.

I sighed before looking at Alec "I'll do it." I then grabbed my phone and dialed Jace before walking out of the room. I put my phone next to my hear and waited until I heard Jace picking up.

"You need to get back to the Institute" I immediately say.

"You need to help me first" Jace replied.

"No, I'm not messing around, Jace."

"Me either. I need your help."

"You okay? What's wrong?"

"I'm fine. It's Magnus. He need your powerful Shadowhunter energy, or something like that." I widened my eyes when I heard Jace say Magnus needs me.

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