Ch 9: Rise Up

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I'm sitting in the medical room with Alec. Now, you must be wondering, how did we end up here? Well, there was a Forsaken attack in the Institute and while Alec, Hodge and I were trying to kill it, both Alec and I got hit. Right now, Dad was patching up Alec. Izzy already patched me up a while ago.

After Alec got patched up, Dad, Alec and I walked to Magnus, who we just learned was here. Apparently, he was here to put back up the wards because it was down. Which was weird considering the wards have never been down in years.

Anyways, as Magnus was doing his magic thing, he turned to us.

"Even my magic has limits" he walked to another part of the Institute. "The wards won't hold off that Forsaken attack. But my protections will slow it down."

"Extra time is priceless" Dad looked at him.

"No. . . say that after you get my bill."

"Lydia will take care of that" Dad then walked off. Alec nodded at us and then walked off as well. Magnus turned to me.

"A Forsaken wound often needs a little warlock TLC. May I? Uh, free of charge" he put his hand above my wound that was below my neck, but I stepped back.

"It's fine, Magnus. I'm fine, I don't need it."

"If anything were to happen to you-" I cut him off.

"Magnus" I said harshly. My eyes soften as I see him a little sad. "I'm okay. Alright? I've just got to-"

"Go? Of course. You're a busy women. And I should find this Lydia person. Payment up front is just smart business. Where might I find her?"

"Probably in her office, but I'm probably wrong since I haven't seen her in a while" I looked at him. We locked eyes for a while until I looked away. I nodded at him as a gesture of thanks and then walked away.

I walk into my room and sit on my bed, sighing. I thought about everything that has happened. From meeting Valentine's daughter to the Forsaken attack on the Institute, which should of been impossible. My life has been a total disaster since Clary Fairchild arrived. I had to admit, though, this has been quite an adventure that I've had been yearning for since finding out about the shadow world.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Jace entered my room.

"Follow me, I have something important to share" he demanded. I immediately nodded and followed Jace.

He walked inside the training area with me following behind him.

"Hey. You all right?" Jace asked Alec and Izzy, who were already here.

"Im fine" Alec said.

"I just spoke to Robert and Maryse. They're being sent back to Indris" Jace told us. I widened my eyes.

"What!?" Izzy and I said. Jace nodded. Izzy looked at Alec.

"Another "order" from Lydia?"

"Who's Lydia?" Jace asked us.

"She is in charge of the Institute" Izzy told him.

"She's what?"

"Temporarily" Alec and I said.

"And now she's convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren't doing their job?" Izzy said, looking at Alec and sometimes me.

"Well, maybe they aren't" my older brother told her.

"I agree with Alec, maybe Mom and Dad aren't doing their job correctly" I added. Izzy glared at me, which I ignored.

"The Institute was under their control when the Forsaken got in."

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