CH 4: Raising Hell

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Raising Hell

I look at my closet with a sigh. I've been trying to pick out my outfit for today for about an hour and it hasn't been going good. I just can't seem to find an outfit I'd like wearing.

I close my closet door and make my way to Izzy's room, hoping she can help with my little problem.

I knock a couple times on her door and wait.

"Coming!" I hear from the other side of the door. A couple seconds later, the door opens to show Izzy.

"Hey, what do you need, sis?" Izzy asks as she widens the door a bit more to let me in.

I walk in while talking, "I need help," I pause for a second while she closes the door and looks at me, "I need an outfit."

She smiles immediately and grabs some clothes from her bed and hands them to me.

"Here, I picked these out for me to wear today, but I think it would look better on you," Izzy tells me as she guides me to her bathroom, like I can't walk on my own.

She closes the bathroom door as I look at the clothes she handed me. I hoped to god that it looks good on me. I then get dressed.

I smiled at my outfit in the mirror and walk out the bathroom to not see Izzy

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I smiled at my outfit in the mirror and walk out the bathroom to not see Izzy. I look around confused before walking back to my room.

I sit on my bed and grab my phone from the stand to see a message left by Izzy, which, for a second, was weird, but whatever.

Apparently, Simon is leaving the Institute because he thinks it isn't safe. I scoff and put my phone in my pocket. 'Stupid mundanes', I thought as I walked out of my room.

As I walked out, though, I see Jace. Since I knew he was going downstairs, I decided to follow him.

He walks into the elevator as I follow behind. He gives me a look before pressing the button labeled one.

"So, why are you following me?" he asked. I look at him and shrug.

"I wanted company, I guess," is all I say. As the elevator door opens, we hear Simon' voice.

"It's not safe here." Jace and I walk out.

"In fact, this is the safest place she could possibly be," Jace points out as he and I walk towards Simon.

Jace then crosses his arms as I stand next to him. Simon then scoffs and looks at Jace.

"You don't get to talk to me, Captain America." Simon points his finger at Jace. I smile.

"Wait, if he's Captain America, then who am I?" I questioned Simon. He looks at me and thinks.

"Definitely Black Widow." I smile and look at Jace. He glares at me a bit, telling me with his eyes to stop. I then stop smiling and focus on what's happening.

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