Chapter 5

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"I just don't understand how it is so hard to understand math and geometry?" I ask confused, but still not looking for an answer back. 

Daniel and I are lying on his bed after school on Wednesday. We are pretty close to eachother to where we are cuddling.

"Maybe she needs someone with more experience with tutoring others. Or like someone who is still older and has straight A's." Daniel explains to me. I cock my head to the side and push my eyebrows together still confused.

"I'm confused. I'm older and I have A's in every class." I look up to him.

"Yes you may be older and have A's in every class, but I'm saying someone in a different grade and someone who gets an A on every test." He taps my nose and smiles.

"Ouch, shots fired!" I smirk and we laugh.
"So, who are you thinking?" I ask him.

"Well, maybe Corbyn!" He suggests smiling cleary excited.

Later that Night...

I finally ly down in my bed after my day and go on social media to check all my notifications. I quickly Like all the Instagram photos and the Twitter Tweets along with random following videos on Tiktok. Then I go onto Snapchat. Once I am done sending my Streaks out I add Corbyn. I hesitate for a second, but then quickly tap add. Almost immediately after, he sends the first message.


so my friend miah really needs help with tutoring. i have tried helping already but apparently I didnt help her good enough

I see

ya so i talked to daniel today and he recommended you

Oh cool! I'd be happy to help your friend out.
When is she available?

tuesdays and fridays at 500 at her house

Ok, I'll ask her for the rest of the information. Thanks!

your welcome

For the rest of the night I turn on my TV, watch a movie on Disney+, and fall asleep.

Next Morning...

At lunch I help one of my classmates Aria build a robot. Her idea is to be able to control where it goes and for it to hold a note. The note will ask a question to someone. The note will ask if the person will go to Prom with her and that person is Corbyn. Since the Juniors have clas while the Freshman have lunch it will be easy to just drive the robot into his classroom real quick. Aria wants to make the best of this years Prom cause the Freshman get to go. It's good Aria is asking Corbyn because yes, maybe I just became friends with Corbyn, but I don't think I have feelings for him so I will help out a classmate who does know. Aria is just like Corbyn a total nerd. She is still insecure about if Corbyn will want to go with her so she asker me to help. Since I could get information from his friends she asked me in particular to help to impress him. Since he is all about space, science, math, and pretty much a total nerd like her it should be easy. I install a camera for him to see the face of who is asking, the ablility to drive it, and the ability for it to hold onto the paper. Aria and I have it all set up and ready to go. I drive it down the hallway almost into the classroom when she says she has to go to the bathroom real quick. I stop it outside the doorway of the classroom to wait for her. Two minutes role by quick, and I hear her walking down the halls to come back. I start it up again and head into the room. I thought she would be in the room with me but she hasn't come in, so I try and stop it underneath someone else desk but I accidentally keep pressing the forward button not realizing and it heads right into Corbyn's desk. He picks the note up and reads it. Since Aria hasn't made it into the room with me yet my face is on the screen, but I brush it off thinking he may know its Aria since she is the only other nerd in school and the supposive other to know how to make robots. Though him and Alaina were wrong. Alaina knew how to make robots too and Corbyn really thought Aria was the one asking. He checks the yes box and hands it back to the robot. I hurry it back into the room and just then Aria walks in as well.

"Hey Aria, he said Yes!!" I jump up and down giving her a big hug.

"REALLY?!!!" She asks excited. I nod my head confirming it. We both giggle in excitement, and just like that the bell rings reminding us we have to go back to class.

After School...

I'm at my locker getting my bag to leave with Daniel to go home. Thought before I go Corbyn walks up to me first.

"Hey, I saw your note from lunch. I thought it was cool how you came up with that idea." He compliments while smiling.

"Thanks I did come up with the idea and built most of it, but you really should be talking to Aria about it. Since you know she was the one who asked." I explain. I close my locker and Daniel and I leave. We leave Corbyn cocking his head to the side very confused.


This chapter took me a while to write but I do think it turned out alright.

I also have some good ideas for the future, though if you do have any lemme know and I can incorporate them for sure!

Anways thanks for supporting me and have a good day/night which ever for you! -AJ💙

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