Chapter 9

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Two Weeks Later...

In the two weeks that I have been at the Seavey house things have definitely happened. Miah has texted and called me asking where I have been so I told her, and thats how she figured out. Jonah, Zach, Corbyn, and Jack were told by Daniel at Lunch. They have all came and hung out with us. Then Keri called my Dad and told him that I am spending time with them, and he wasn't so happy. All of them have also got me homework to do so I'm caught up in school. But today is my second day with all the bruises gone. I'm back home with my Dad, and I'm going back to school.

Daniel got his car back from the shop so we are now driving separate again. Life is slowly going back into it's normal position. Once I get to the school and get out of my car I get out my Airpods and put them into my ears. I see everyone from my grade stare at me wondering why I was gone for so long, and that is the reason for putting in the earbuds. Once I get into the school I go up to Miah at her locker.

"Hey, you want to go out for dinner with Aaron and I tonight?" She asks while putting her lip gloss on in the mirror thats in her locker.

"Um, I am actually going to go skateboarding with the boys tonight." I say hoping she doesn't get mad at me for declining.

"What? You haven't skateboarded in almost a year. Do you even have your board anymore?" She asks with a confused look.

"Actually I have decided to pick it up again since I have Jack who likes to skateboard too!" I say excited.

"Oh, so I'm not good enough for you?" She asks sarcastic. I look down and laugh.

"Miah, I hope your ok with me hanging out with the guys instead of you." I say hopeful.

"Alaina, I know you are still going to be my friend. You can hang out with other people, escpecially if it guys! Who knows maybe you'll end up dating one of them!" She says shwooching her shoulders and smirking.

"Thanks for understanding! I do promise to go Prom shopping with you this weekend though." I say changing the subject. We laugh a little before grabbing our stuff and head to our first class.

This first year of High School I wanted to try out a different class. The class I chose was Film and Videotape. Miah and I sit down for the class and listen to the teacher start the class.

"Class, today we finally starting an outside of school project. I feel as if to become or to really be in touch with taking the right photo and have fun with it you have to start off with something you love. Something that someone else may not know about you, or just a hobby you might have. Something you enjoy doing in your spare time. I want you to choose one of the main ideas and take photos of either someone doing that activity. Maybe if your love for something isn't an activity and its an object just take a photo of that. What I want to also see in that photo some extra item or a certain place that your taking the photo. I want to see a painted painting in your photos." Mr. Shalemeer says. Once he is done talking Miah and I brainstorm together.

"I might do an actual painting and take photos of that!" Miah says excited. "What are you going to do Alaina?" She asks me.

"I might get photos of Jack skateboarding tonight at the Skate Park." I say writing down specifics on the paper. Miah raises her head and looks at me. I can't see her since I'm writing.

"Are you into Jack?!" She asks excited. I lift my head quick and open my eyes wide cause of surprise. "Cause Alaina, if you do then we can now go on double dates!" She says excited.

"Ya about-" I say getting cut off.

"I can't believe I figured it out! I'm going to tell Aaron about it tonight and then we can all match for Prom! Isn't that so exciting?!" She asks me. I'm about to tell her that I'm not dating Jack, but she looks so happy and I don't want her to be sad so I say..

"Yes, that would be amazing if Jack and I matched you and Aaron!" I say faking a smile.

At the Skate Park...

I pull up into a parking spot and see the five boys get out of Daniel's car. I grab my board and camera from the back and get out.

"Cool board Alaina!" Jack says complimenting.

"Thanks! Your's is better though!" I say inspecting it. All five guys go in for a hug at the same time. When each realize they all went in at the same time they moved back and looked around at each other.

"Uh, we should head over." Jack says to us all. We all head over and everyone but Jack and I sit down at the edge. I walk over to the smaller ramp and start off knowing I haven't skated in a while. Once I have the quick hang of it I go over move to the boys and head down the high ramp. I sense the boys jaws dropping behind me. I weave up and down the ramp, then Jack joins in and does the same. I go up ontop of the ramp and go down but fall off my board. I skin my hand and part of my chin.

"Oh, Alaina you alright?" Each of the boys ask rushing up to me. Daniel lifts my arm and looking at my hand. He looks up at me and I smile letting him know I'm alright.

"She's alright guys." He says looking back at me and smiling.

I continue skating and go up a wall and onto the other side perfectly this time. After a while of skating Jack and I head back over to the boys. The boys get some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out and Corbyn hands me one. I sit down next to Jack in front of the other four.

"So Alaina, tell us more about yourself. What have you been up to?" Corbyn asks me. Just then all of their eyes are on me again. I instantly feel uncomfortable on spot.

"Well...I am currently suppose to be taking photos of skating for my Film and Videotaping class." I tell them but mostly hinting to Jack for me to film him.

"Oh, do you need to take photos of me for your class?" Jack asks me. I take a relieving breathe of happiness that I didn't need to ask him.

"Oh thanks!" I say smiling.

"Then after I have to develop them, and honestly I don't really know how to do that. I am sure I'll figure it out." I tell them kinda hoping one of them knows how to do it, and thankfully one did.

"Hey, I could help you! I took that class in 9th grade as well!" He says happy that he got to it before one of the others did.

"Oh thanks Zach! How about tomorrow after school?" I ask him. Daniel looks up and gives me a look.

"Yah, that works!" He says bluntly.

"Hey, actually I need to talk to you sometime Alaina." Corbyn says letting me know.

"Dido." Daniel says.

"Ok, I can talk later to you both!" I tell them both.

After we all finish eating I tell Jack what trick I would like him to do for the photo.

I go outside of the skateboard park and I see Jack go down the ramp and go back up another one and I take a photo of him in the air.

"YOU GOT IT?" Jack yells from inside.

"YES!" I yell back to him and I head back inside to finish the night with them.

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