chapter 11

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courtney's pov:

When Aubrey told me her mother was 2 weeks pregnant, I was so in shock as well as happy.

I felt like I want to hug her so badly but Aubrey and I talked over the phone that time and right now, I'm on my way to her house.

I knocked on the front door and 2 rings later, Aubrey came up.

I smiled and hugged her as I came inside the house.

"Hey, how are you?" I said, taking off my jacket and placing it on the hanger.

"I'm great, beyond happy. What about you?" She replied, locking arms together as we came into the living room.

I sighed, "You know. The same."

I shrugged and Aubrey nodded.

"So, what's happening to your-"

I was interrupted by few rings on Aubrey's phone and she frowned.

"Hé, grand-mère." She simply said.
(Hey, grandma)

I frowned, not knowing what she was saying.

I knew a little bit of French but Aubrey and her siblings does since her grandma from her dad's side, spoke fluently French and so does Aubrey's dad too so they taught them French.

I mean it was pretty cool.

"Oh oui, elle va bien. Ne t'inquiète pas." She smiled. "Mhmm, mhmm."
(Oh yes, she's doing good. Don't worry)

She nodded to whatever her grandma was saying and then she said goodbye to her after.

She closed her phone and placed it beside her as she looked up smiling.

"So, what happened?" I raised my eyebrow.

She shrugged, "Oh, she was just checking in on my mom."

She giggled and I nodded.

"So, what do you just say earlier?" Aubrey asked.

I shook my head, "How was your mother feeling?"

"Oh, she's doing really great. She's just different, you know pregnancy hormones." She rolled her eyes and shook her head, in action.

I nodded, "Oh, I heard they were the worst."

She slowly nodded and sinked back to the couch as she looked at the ceiling.

"Like, I can't believe she's pregnant."

"Yep. I know, we're beyond happy and excited for this."

"I really hope it's a girl again." I said with my hands on my chest while glancing at the ceiling.

Aubrey shrugged, "I really don't care about the gender, I just wanna take care of my brother-slash-sister just like everyone I used to do."

I smiled and peeked over to her probably in lost of her thoughts.

"Aww, you're cute." I pinched her cheeks and Aubrey smiled.

"Stop. Stop it, Courtney!" She yelled between laughs and I smiled, giggling.

She finally cooled off with minutes later of laughter, "Ohh, I hate you."

She mumbled, quietly and I heard her.

I smiled, "Oh no, you don't. You love meeeeeeee."

She laughed and nodded.

"Ok, I do."

I laughed so hard, I fell down on the floor with my hands on my stomach, trying to cool it off.

She giggled and gently grabbed me off the floor and then I hugged her tightly.

"Oh you're the best friend ever, Aubrey."

And that said, I felt her then smiled against my shoulder.


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