chapter 40

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aubrey's pov:

Who in the hell is ringing the bell at 5 in the morning?!

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I walked downstairs slowly taking steps so that I wouldn't fall while I could sleep any minute. I squinted as I turned on the lights and slowly opened the door.

I widened my eyes at the person in front of me and I raised my forehead. "What are you doing here, Kris?"

He gulped, "Can I come in?"

I sighed deeply before opening the door widely so he could come in. He entered later then and I crossed my arms.

He nervously scratched the back of his neck and I looked away.



We spoke at the same time and we made eye contact for the first time in a long time. I shivered at his cold eyes and I clutched my arm.

"You go first." I said, breaking the silence and he nodded.

"I'm sorry, Aubrey. For cheating on you," he paused and I softened as soon as I saw him almost tearing up. "When I was at the party, I thought the lady I was kissing was you and I instantly regretted it. When she wasn't you, your beautiful face, buttoned nose and your plump red lips. I'm sorry, Aubrey. Please forgive me. I will never forgive myself what I did to you, you were the only woman I've ever loved-love."

I formed my lip into a thin form as my eyes started to develop and had the urge to fall. A tear finally slipped and I quickly wiped it as I felt his gaze on me.

"It's ok if you don't forgive me. Just think about it before we start dating again. I've changed now and I will never do that ever again."

He looked at me and I smiled, gently grabbing his shoulder. I then hugged him and he took back my surprise. He finally hugged me back as he tightened the hug and I smiled.

"Oh, Aubrey. You don't know how much I've missed you." He said, exhaling sharply and I caressed his soft hair.

"I know, Kris. I know." I paused and he looked surprised. "I've always thought of you ever since you cheated on me."

He sinked his head in my shoulder, "I'll never do that again, Aubrey. I mean it."

I pulled back from the hug and placed my warm hand on his cold cheek as I kissed it.

I look so dumb, forgiving him after what he's done to me but I still love him. He was the only man I've ever loved-not even Anthony.

After realizing what I did, I widened my eyes and slowly pulled back my hand but stopped when Kris gently held my hand.

"Kris, what-" As I was able to speak, Kris slammed his lips to mine. I widened my eyes as I was about to pull back but couldn't when I felt his soft lip against mine brushing it.

What are we doing?


As we were done our make out session, I pulled away and felt my cheeks turn crimson red. I avoided eye contact as I felt his stare on me.

I sighed quietly and shook my head sitting down on the sofa. Kris joined in, his mouth open as he was about to speak.

I formed my lip into a thin form and Kris finally spoke, shocking me.

"I love you, Aubrey." He blurted out and I instantly gasp as we made eye contact.

"Wh-what are you-u doing?" I stuttered, shocked and Kris placed his hand onto mine.

"I meant it, Aubrey. I love you." I gulped and then smiled at him. He frowned, looking dumbfounded.

I giggled, "I-I love you too, Kris. I always have."

He widened his eyes and grinned as he picked me up and I squealed loudly, wrapping my thighs around his waist. I laughed, clutching his broad shoulder so that I wouldn't fall and he spin us around.

"Say it again." He said while glancing at me lovingly and I kissed his lips passionately.

"I love you, Kristopher."

He grinned and tightened the hug as he sinked his head into my shoulder. "Oh I love you more, Aubriella." I chuckled, showing my teeth widely as I caressed his soft hair.

"I know it's a bit too early but I want you to be my girlfriend," I gasp quietly and he kissed my forehead. "I'll never regret you to be my girl."

"Yes." I whispered without thinking at first but I didn't regret telling it.


"Yes, Kris. I wanna be your girlfriend." I giggled as he lifted his forehead, looking dumbfounded. "Are you sure, Aubriella?"

I nodded and he pecked my lips, "Oh, you never fail me to smile." I smirked and grabbed his hand, pulling him to my bedroom. As we made it, I gently pushed Kris on my bed while I lock the door.

"What are you doing?" He asked and I smiled innocently at him as I sat beside him.

"We're about to have fun." I winked as I slide my hand to his broad shoulder to his thigh.

"Oh, you're doing a bad thing here, Aubrey."

He raised his eyebrow and I smirked. "Oh, am I?" Frowning, I start doing a fake question face.

"Yes, Aubriella." He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He jerked his face to my ear as he whispered, "I'll make you regret it."

Oh, God.


UPDATE: so...fucking...cringey

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