chapter 22

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elora's pov:

Within 24 hours, my phone has been going off since I confirmed my relationship with Finn and I can tell my family will kill me that I didn't tell them about our relationship.

I can't believe I'm dating him.

I'm so delighted...

"They still don't know that you're here?" Finn asked for 99th time, frowning as he rubbed awkwardly the back of his neck.

I chuckled, shooking my head and then I placed my hand on his as I smiled and gently tucked in a piece of his hair behind his ear.

He smiled while kissing my cheek.

I blushed and looked away.

"Don't be shy. We can handle this." He said and I looked up, gazing his eyes.

I nodded and sat on his bed, laying down.

He joined in then and stared at me, filled with love.

"I'm so lucky." He confessed, quietly.

I glistened, passionately and clutched his hand on mine before looking up at the ceiling.

"Me too."


aubrey's pov:

"I can't believe she didn't tell us!" Aiden exclaimed, positioning his hand on his hip.

I rolled my eyes, "She wanted to keep her relationship private. So just leave it alone."

Aiden scoff to himself before bolting to the washroom.

"Wow, she's dating Finn." Vienna said, leaning back onto the sofa and I joined her.

I nodded and Dad came into the living room.

"What happened with Mom?" Zane asked and Dad shrugged.

"Oh you know, pregnancy hormones."

I chuckled, placing my arm around Vienna and Zane joined in on sitting on a sofa, squishing me and her.

"Really, Zane?" I raised my forehead and he smirked.

"I'm gonna kill you." I declared and Zane quickly dropped his smirk.

And now it was my turn to smirk.

"Oh you won't dare?"

"Try me." I smirked, standing up.

Little did he know, I was the best. I would always win battling with Zane.

He stood up too with the difference in our height, I was 5'6 and he was 6'1.

"Let's go." I told him, placing my hands on my hip.


When we were done, I won as always.

I laughed, "Ha! You suck!"

Zane stayed on the floor, breathing rapidly and I smiled innocently.

Aiden came and frowned, "What happened?"

It's payback time.

"Zane punched me!" I whined and Zane gasped and stood up.

"Why would you do that?!" Aiden asked and Zane glared at me and I shrugged, pouting.

Zane scoffed loudly, "I didn't! We were just play-fighting, that's it!"

I snickered and Aiden threw gazes at me and Zane back and forth.

He raised his eyebrow then and pointed at me while I frowned.

"Did Aubrey win?" Aiden asked and he nodded, looking down.

Aiden laughed, high-fiving me, "Good job! I knew you'd do it."

I chuckled and Zane scoffed to himself before sitting down then with us.

"That was so mean." Zane mumbled and I smiled innocently.

"Not your fault, she's the best one." Aiden snapped back and I laughed.


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