chapter 23

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aubrey's pov:

After a few days later, Elora and Finn had come to our house and discussed few things about their relationship, and most of it all, Mom and Dad supported them which was unexpected but Aiden and Zane weren't too pleased about it, listening to their youngest sister dating her friend-slash-co-star.

It was surprising at first but I realized their relationship was cute and young. And I want it to be the best for Elora.

Right now, we are watching a film including Finn and while watching it concentrated, I felt my phone buzzing under my thigh.

I snatched it and unlocked it, glimpsing someone had messaged me.


"Hey, I gotta take this somewhere." I said, receiving everyone's attention and they nodded, snapping their heads back to the movie.

I stood up and took this upstairs, shutting the door. I clicked on the phone and saw Kris was the one who texted.

I raised my forehead, surprisingly.

At first, I thought it was Courtney but I guess I was wrong.

-Hi? How did you get my number?

-From your friend, Courtney

Damn it, you, Courtney!

-Sorry. I know this is weird but I just wanted to talk to you...

-Oh no it's ok. Don't worry :)

-Um. I was just wondering if we can hang out for a bit

-Oh yeah, that sounds great

-What time?

-Maybe 7 tomorrow? If that's ok....
Krissy 🔥

-Yeah that's fine

-Ok then I'll see you later
Krissy 🔥

-Yeah, ok. Bye

-Bye :)
Krissy 🔥

I smiled, imagining to myself as I pulled the phone to my chest.

"Who was that?" A voice was heard and I hopped with a mini heart attack in my chest.

I turned around and met with Courtney's gaze. I held my chest protectively and exhale softly as she stared amusedly.

"Courtney, you don't do like that!" I asserted, positioning my phone to my back pocket before crossing my arms.

She rolled her eyes and stepped closer as I looked away, not wanting to look at Courtney.

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