chapter 30

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sidney's pov:

After finding out Kris had disappeared, I completely lost it as well as with my coach and my guys on the team.

I didn't know how to react when he left.

I knew Aubrey had something to do with this cause I knew Kris and her would text and meet up.

No wonder, they were spotted outside and then few hours later, an article comes up.

"How do you know I had something to do this all?" Aubrey asked, crossing her arms and a hand with her phone.

I chuckled, "It was obvious."

She smiled, placing her phone on her back pocket and looked away, her eyes peeking through Kris' belongings. As well as looking around, I saw an box and slowly opened it, looking through his stuff if anything was interested with why he had disappeared.

I then closed the box and rubbed my hands if they had dust on it.

As I was looking around again, I heard a ding and ignored it as I knew it was Aubrey's.

She gasped and I looked back to her, covering her mouth with her phone on her hand showing me what was happening.

I frowned, stepping closer to her and snatched the phone, scrolling down the pages.

"Sid?" I widened my eyes and exhale sharply.


enews is kris letang cheating on aubrey alexander with this mystery woman? or just partying around like usual

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enews is kris letang cheating on aubrey alexander with this mystery woman? or just partying around like usual. let us know!

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aubrey's pov:

I frowned as I read the article and noticed 'partying around'.

What did they mean?

"What did they mean 'partying around like usual'?" I asked, crossing my arms once again as I glanced at Sidney spotting his hand on his eyes, covering it.

He didn't answer. "Sidn-"

"He does this." Interrupted me and I frowned, not getting what he was saying.

"He's a player. He party's around and hooks up with bunch of women and drop them like they're objects," I widened my eyes and he paused, gulping. "...that's why he didn't want you to get closer to him."

My visions started to get blurry as I avoided eye contact. A tear dropped and I quickly wiped it off with my sleeve.

"I need to go." I mumbled and had an urge to run off but a hand grabbed my arm and I froze.

"Please don't do this, Sidney." Avoiding eye contact, more tears urgently wanted to drop. I didn't let them but I failed.

"Just please remember he cares for you." I shake my head and he sighs, letting go of my arm.

I ran away until I got to my Jeep.

I started the car but stopped what I was doing as I saw Sidney standing outside.

Don't do this.

I whimpered, glimpsing behind and ran in my car.

I sobbed onto the wheel, banging my head hard. Luckily nobody had seen me because I parked my car in the parking lot.

"It's ok, Aubrey." I said to myself, wiping the tears off with the sleeve and tightened my grip on the wheel.

It's not ok...

I need to call someone.


As I was going to my room, I heard someone called my name.

I closed my eyes, clutching my hands into a fist but unclutched it as I opened my eyes.

"Aubrey?" Dad said, placing his hand gently on my shoulder and I turned around, revealing my eyes, red and tired. "What happened?"

I sniffled, "I fell in love with him."

"Who?" He asked and I stepped closer, hugging him tightly.

I then sobbed onto his shoulder and he gently caressed my head.

Say it, Aubrey. Say it.

"Kris." I finally let out.

I sobbed more just thinking about what happened earlier and I tightened the hug.

"Oh, Aubriella. It's ok. Don't worry." He said with thick of his Italian accent and I sniffled, loosening my eyes.

It's not ok.

I gently pulled back and I heard footsteps and quickly looked away, not needing the person to see me.

Oh god.

"Aubrey?" The person sounded familiar and I needed to look who it was so I slowly turned my head a bit.

It was Aiden.

"What happened to you?" He told, scrunching up his nose and I finally stared at him. He widened his eyes and exhale quietly.

"Aubrey. Who did this to you?" I looked at Dad and motioned my head to ask him for help.

"Aiden, that's enough," I kindly smiled, nervously scratching my cheekbone. "Just leave her alone."

"Did Kris do this to you?" I widened my eyes and looked at him.

How did he know? Did he follow me?

I nodded, gulping and he gasped as he tightened his jaw.

"Oh, I'm gonna kill him." I shook my head.

"No, Aiden. Don't."

"Why are you defending-" I interrupted him as he was about to ask.

"Because I'm in love with him!" Snapped back without thinking at first and he widened his eyes.

I gasped, covering my mouth and ran upstairs to my room.

"Aubriella!" Dad yelled and I ignored him, sobbing onto my mouth.

I slammed the door and dropped to my knees, sobbing harder than it was before.

Why does it suck so much?


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